Running multiple probes

You can run multiple instances of the probe.

For each running instance, specify a different port to which the server listens using the ORBLocalPort property.

Running multiple probes in a failover configuration

If you have implemented a peer-to-peer failover configuration, both the master probe and the slave probe have their own Object Request Broker (ORB) local port.

Where you are running this configuration in conjunction with a firewall, add the receiving port of each probe to the firewall rules. The direction of the connection is from the target system to the master or slave probe.

You set the peer-to-peer failover mode in the properties files of the master and slave probes.

Include the following peer-to-peer settings in the master's probe properties file:

PeerHost    :	"slave_hostname"
PeerPort    :	5555 # [communication port between master and slave probes]

Include the following peer-to-peer settings in the slave's probe properties file:

PeerHost    :	"master_hostname"
PeerPort    :	5555 # [communication port between master and slave probes]