Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.

The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For information about default properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide (SC23-6373).

Table 1. Properties and command line options

Property name

Command line option


AKey string

-akey string

Use this property to specify the authentication key for the target system.

The default is alarm_handoff.

AttributeDelimiter Indicator string

-attributedelimiter indicator string

Use this property to specify the character that the OS-OS system uses to separate an attribute name from its value.

The default is =.

AttributeSeparator Indicator string

-attributeseparator indicator string

Use this property to specify the character that the OS-OS system uses to separate the attributes in an alarm.

The default is |.

CommandPort integer

-commandport integer

Use this property to specify the port to which users can connect using Telnet, to access the command line interface (CLI) supplied with the probe.

For details about the CLI, see Command line interface.

The default is 6970.

CommandPortLimit integer

-commandportlimit integer

Use this property to specify the maximum number of Telnet connections that can be made to the probe at one time.

The default is 10.

ConnectionTimeout integer

-connectiontimeout integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe waits for a connection to the device.

The default is 10.

Note: If this property is set to 0, the probe waits indefinitely.

FlushBufferInterval integer

-flushbufferinterval integer

Use this property to specify how often (in seconds) that the probe flushes all alerts in the buffer to the ObjectServer.

The default is 0 (which instructs the probe to never flush the alerts to the ObjectServer).

HeartbeatInterval integer

-heartbeatinterval integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe allows the connection with OS-OS to remain idle before sending successive heartbeat requests.

The default is 60.

Note: A value less than 60 may affect the performance of the probe.

HeartbeatThreshold integer

-heartbeatthreshold integer

Use this property to specify the number of heartbeats that must be lost to confirm that the connection to the OS-OS device is closed.

The default is 60.

HeartbeatTimeout integer

-heartbeatimeout integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe waits for a heartbeat response.

The default is 10.

Note: A value of 0 makes the probe disconnect and restart the connection, and so affects performance.

Host string

-host string

Use this property to specify the name of the host providing the OS-OS interface.

The default is localhost.

LoginTimeout integer

-logintime integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe waits for the OS-OS device to respond to a login attempt.

The default is 10.

Note: A value of 0 makes the probe wait indefinitely for a response.

Port integer

-port integer

Use this property to specify the port to which the probe connects.

The default is 3001.

Note: The OS-OS interface listens on this port.

RequestTimeout integer

-requesttimeout integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe waits to receive confirmation of a general request from the OS-OS device.

The default is 10.

Note: A value of 0 makes the probe wait indefinitely for a response.

RestartOnIdleTimeout integer

-restartonidletimeout integer

Use this property to specify the number of successive heartbeats that the probe sends to the OS-OS device, without any other intervening traffic (such as notifications of new alarms), before the probe exits.

The default is 0.

Note: If this property is set to 0, the probe sends unlimited heartbeats.

ResynchInterval integer

-resynchinterval integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) between successive resynchronization requests to the device.

The default is 86400 (equal to 1 day).

Note: A value of 0 disables resynchronization of alarms.

Alcatel-Lucent OS-OS may be configured to send existing alarms as new upon initial connection.

Retry integer

-retry integer

Use this property to specify the number of times that the probe attempts to reconnect to the system following a reported error.

The default is 0.

Note: If this property is set to 0, the probe shuts down following an error and does not attempt to reconnect.

RetryWait integer

-retry integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) between successive reconnection attempts.

The default is 10.

SplitAlarmLists string

-splitalarmlists (This is equivalent to SplitAlarmLists with a value of true.)

-nosplitalarmlists (This is equivalent to SplitAlarmLists with a value of false.)

Use this property to specify whether or not the probe splits alarms with AlarmList fields into multiple events. This property takes the following values:

true: The probe splits alarms into multiple events.

false: The probe treats alarms as single events.

The default is true.

StreamCapture string

-streamcapture (This is equivalent to StreamCapture with a value of true.)

-nostreamcapture (This is equivalent to StreamCapture with a value of false.)

Use this property to specify whether the probe uses the stream capture feature. This property takes the following values:

false: The probe disables the stream capture feature.

true: The probe enables the stream capture feature.

The default is false.

StreamCaptureFile string

-streamcapturefile string

Use this property to specify the file that the probe uses to store the input stream log.

The default is $OMNIHOME/var/

SubscriptionFilter string

-subscriptionfilter string

Use this property to specify the ASId of the sub-EMS from which alarms are received.

The default is "".

SynchronizationTimeout integer

-synchronizationtimeout integer

Use this property to specify the time (in seconds) that the probe waits to receive notification at the end of a resynchronization.

The default is 60.

Note: A value of 0 makes the probe wait indefinitely for the notification.