ProbeWatch messages
During normal operations, the probe generates ProbeWatch messages and sends them to the ObjectServer. These messages tell the ObjectServer how the probe is running.
ProbeWatch message |
Description |
Triggers or causes |
Communication failure - lost connection to NoticiationIRP exception CORBA.TRANSIENT Exception: Lost connection to NotificationIRP exception CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST Exception: Lost connection to NotificationIRP exception Failed to connect to NotificationIRP: reason. Shutting down. Failed to Connect: Either, the server is not running, the IOR is out of date, or probe cannot reach remote Server |
The communication with the Notification IRP server has failed. |
The probe lost its connection to the Notification IRP server. |
The synchronization of alarms has stopped. |
The probe has resynchronized all the available alarms. |
Failed to find IOR file 'alarmirp_ior_file' |
The specified Alarm IRP file does not exist. |
The IRP Manager has been set up incorrectly. |
Failed to find IOR file 'notificationirp_ior_file' |
The specified Notification IRP file does not exist. |
The IRP Manager has been set up incorrectly. |
Failed to get IRP Outline exception |
The probe could not get the supported IRP outline using Entry Point IRP. |
Incorrect value set for the AlarmIrpName or NotificationIrpName properties. |
Failed to get IRP reference exception Failed to get IRP references - invalid parameter |
The probe could not get the IRP references using Entry Point IRP. |
Failed to get the IRP Outline. |
Failed to listen for commands on port number listening_port : io |
A problem occurred while trying to listen for commands. |
There was a problem initializing the connection due to insufficient memory or (if this message was sent after some events had been parsed) there was a connection failure. |
Invalid IRPVersion |
The specified IRP version is incorrect. |
An incorrect IRP name is specified in the properties file. |
The synchronization of alarms has started. |
The probe started to resynchronize alarms collected in the system during the timeout period. |
Will listen for commands on port number listening_port |
The probe will listen for commands on the specified port number. |
The probe has successfully created the CLI server on the specified command port specified in the properties file. |
Unexpected fatal error, failed to connect exception Unexpected fatal error while getting IRP Outline Unexpected fatal error when getting IRP reference from Entry Point IRP |
The probe has encountered a fatal error. |
Contact IBM Software Support. |
Login: Failed to find IOR file 'ior_file' |
The specified IRP file does not exist. |
The IRP manager has been set up incorrectly. |
Failed to get subscripton status: exception |
The probe has lost its connection to the server. |
The 3GPP server is not running correctly or the connection to the 3GPP server is lost. |
Connection to NotificationIRP server has been established |
The probe has successfully connected to the server. |
The server is running and the probe will start receiving notifications. |