WebGUI tools

The probe is supplied with the following WebGUI tools that allow you to create a menu from within the WebGUI to acknowledge or unacknowledge an alert: UnixHpomTools.xml and UnixHpomTools.cgi.


This file registers the UnixHpomTools.cgi script tool in Web GUI. This creates a UI menu called HP Operations Manager that contains two menu items, Acknowledge Alert and Unacknowledge Alert.


This script is called by the Acknowledge Alert and Unacknowledge Alert menu items. It sends the command to the event factory using the probe’s URL. The command will reach the hpom.bidir.rules file to perform an acknowledge or an unacknowledge command, respectively.

The Acknowledge Alert tool sets the event status to Acknowledged (1) in the ObjectServer’s alert.status table.

The Unacknowledge Alert tool sets the event status to Acknowledged (0) in the ObjectServer’s alert.status table.

Enabling the WebGUI tools

If the WebGUI is at remote server, copy the tool files from probe package to WebGUI server's $OMNIHOME/probes/<arch>/ directory.

If HP OM tools already exist, remove the following items from WebGUI:

  • UnixHpomTools in CGI Registry
  • HP Operations Manager in Menu Configuration
  • Acknowlegde_Alert and Unacknowledge_Alert in Tools Configuration
To enable the WebGUI tools, use the following steps:
  1. Access the command line and run the following command:

    chmod +x $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/UnixHpomTools.xml

  2. Enter the following command:

    cp UnixHpomTools.cgi $WEBGUI_HOME/cgi-bin/

  3. Edit UnixHpomTools.cgi, to update the following variables: $OmnihomeDir, $Os, $OsUser, $OsPassword.
  4. Edit UnixHpomTools.xml, to update the fileName value to the full path of the location from Step 2.
  5. Enter the following command:

    $WEBGUI_HOME/waapi/bin/runwaapi -file $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/UnixHpomTools.xml -user <user> -password <password>

    Note: Use a user account that has administration rights.

For more WebGUI configuration information see the following topics:

  • Tool Configuration, add user list to Acknowledge_alert  and Unknowlegde_alert tools.
  • Menu configuration, add HP Operations Manager menu to Alerts menu.

Additional manual configuration on Web GUI to enable the HP Operations Manager menu tools

The following steps are a manual alternative to running the runwaapi command on UnixHpomTools.xml:

  1. On the Tool Configuration tab, add a group for the Acknowledge Alert and Unacknowledge Alert tools.
    For Acknowledge Alert, make the following settings:
    1. Set the Type to CGI/URL.
    2. Set the URL to $(SERVER)cgi-bin/UnixHpomTools.cgi?Comand=acknowledge_message
    3. Set the Method to GET.
    4. Set Open In to New Window.
    5. Check both Execute for each selected row and Window for each selected row.
    6. Under Access Criteria, select both the Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin and Netcool_OMNIbus_User groups.
    For Unacknowledge Alert, make the following settings:
    1. Set the Type to CGI/URL.
    2. Set the URL to $(SERVER)cgi-bin/UnixHpomTools.cgi?Comand=unacknowledge_message
    3. Set the Method to GET.
    4. Set Open In to New Window.
    5. Check both Execute for each selected row and Window for each selected row.
    6. Under Access Criteria, select both the Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin and Netcool_OMNIbus_User groups.
  2. On the Menu Configuration tab, add the HP Operations Manager menu to the list of current items.
    1. Highlight alerts from the list of Available menus.
    2. Click Modify.
    3. From the list of Available items, highlight the HP Operations Manager menu.
    4. Select the > button to add HP Operations Manager to the list of Current items.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Verify that the HP Operations Manager options now appear when you right-click items on the alerts menu.

Troubleshooting WebGUI tools

This troubleshooting topic discusses two commonly encountered problems:

  • Tool not appearing in the menu
  • CGI script failing to operate correctly

Tool not appearing in the menu

  • The menu has not been updated with the tools
  • The Group setting for the tools (in Tools Configuration) and the CGI script (in CGI Registry) are not consistent between them, or to the user's group.

CGI script failing to operate correctly

Operational failure may or may not be reported in the WebGUI window, but if the expected result is not observed, you should consider this to be an operational failure, and investigate the following:
  • The state of the CGI script in WebGUI environment, for example, file access.
  • The state of the message, whether being acknowledged or active in the target system. (Check the HPOM system).
  • Whether nco_http or nco_sql command can be invoked in the CGI script. (Check the access right to the OMNIbus path, the value of OMNIbus directory set in the script, and the environment variables defined for WebGUI runtime, for example, NCHOME, PATH, and so forth.)
  • Whether the http command can reach the probe. (Check the probe's log file, and the event record's URL field, try issuing the command manually.)
  • Whether the target ObjectServer is reachable from the script command. (Check the user and password, and the object server name in the CGI script.)
  • Whether the event field inputs to the script are missing. (Check the tool's configuration, and the related fields in the event list.)