Uninstalling IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux
Learn how to uninstall an online or offline (airgap) deployment of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux, and to clean up the resources that it created.
Use the following steps to uninstall IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps from your Linux cluster.
Export environment variables.
Important: If you used an alternative path for APP_STORAGE_PATH when you set up your local application storage in Configuring local volumes, then you must change the value of this environment variable accordingly.
export TARGET_USER="root" export CONTROL_PLANE_NODE="<control_plane_node_1>" export ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_PLANE_NODES=( "<control_plane_node_2>" "<control_plane_node_3>" ) export WORKER_NODES=( "<worker_1>" "<worker_2>" "<worker_3>" "<worker_4>" "<worker_5>" "<worker_6>" "<worker_7>" ) export APP_STORAGE_PATH="/var/lib/aiops/storage"
is the FQDN or IP address of your control plane node. For example, "control-plane.example.com"<worker_n>
- is the FQDN or IP address of each worker node, where n is the number of nodes. For example, "worker-1.example.com"
Run the following commands from the control plane node:
for WORKER_NODE in "${WORKER_NODES[@]}" do ssh ${TARGET_USER}@${WORKER_NODE} aiopsctl cluster node down --role worker --app-storage ${APP_STORAGE_PATH} done for CP_NODE in "${ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_PLANE_NODES[@]}" do ssh ${TARGET_USER}@${CP_NODE} aiopsctl cluster node down --role control-plane done aiopsctl cluster node down --role control-plane