Running the probe on a server on which Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 is installed

If you are running the probe on a server on which Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 is installed, the EventDescription field of events received by the probe might not be populated.

This is due to a known issue within Microsoft .Net Framework caused by a difference between .Net 3.5 and .Net 4.0 in the way in which rendering is performed. If the event provider has not provided an event log description in its system locale, the EventDescription field is not populated.

From version 3.0 of the Probe for Windows Event Log, the probe has additional properties to help avoid this issue:

  • SecondaryLocale
  • SourceType

You can use either or both of these properties together.


If the EventDescription field of a received event cannot be retrieved, the probe uses the locale defined in this property to attempt to retrieve the description. If the probe successfully retrieves an event description, it continues processing the event in the normal way. If the field is still not populated, the probe generates a warning message.


You can use this property to instruct the probe to use native libraries when extracting data for the EventDescription field. These libraries help to avoid this issue as they process data differently from .Net 4.0. To use the native libraries, set the value of SourceType to Native.