Configuring HP NFVD Observer jobs

You configure HP NFVD Observer jobs to dynamically load data from the HP NFVD REST interface.

Before you begin

Important: The HP NFVD Observer supports the HPE NFV Director API release 6.0.3.

Ensure you have the HP NFVD service details to hand, such as username, password, hostname and port.

About this task

The HP NFVD Observer job extracts HP NFVD resource information through REST. The observer loads and updates the resources and their relationships and then displays them as a topology view.

You define and start the following jobs.

Load job

Run this job whenever you need HP NFVD topology data refreshed.

By default, these jobs are one-off, transient jobs that perform a full upload of all requested topology data as soon as they are triggered.

You can also run these jobs (again) manually from the Observer UI, or schedule them to run at set times when configuring them.

Fileload job

Run this job to consumes topology data from a file.

The fileload job loads a baseline topology data view from a provided data file.

The fileload job is a transient (one-off) job that consumes topology data from the file, sends the data for processing, and then stops.

The fileload job provides an alternative to loading topology data through a file.

Listen job

A long-running job that reads LCM events published by HP NFVD on CGMB (Kafka) topic continually until it is explicitly stopped, or until the observer is stopped.

LCM messages in Kafka are typically encoded in Avro and are decoded by the observer using an HP NFVD LCM notification Avro schema file. Refer to the HP NFVD documentation on how to obtain the schema file. The additional steps required when using an Avro schema file are documented in the following subsection of the procedure.

The job should only be run after a load job has been completed.

HP NFVD resources and relationships loaded by the HP NFVD Observer job

The HP NFVD Observer loads the following resources and their relationship into the Agile Service Manager core topology service:

Vertex Description
Organization Organization (for example, LOB) within Domain
VDC Tenant within Organization
VNF Group Group of VNF / CNF
VNF Virtual Network Function
CNF Containerized Network Function
VNFM Manager of VNF/CNF
VM Virtual Machine attached to VNF
Network Interface / Port Network Interface or Port attached to VNF
Connection Point Internal Connection Point
VNF-C VNF Component
CNF-C CNF Component
Virtual Link Virtual Network attached to VNF
Virtual Storage Storage attached to VNF
Deployment K8s resources attached to CNF
Statefulset K8s resources attached to CNF


Define or edit the following parameters, then click Run job to save and run the job.

Encryption requirement: For more information, see the Configuring observer jobs security topic.

Load job parameters

Parameter Action Details
Unique ID Enter a unique name for the job Required
HP NFVD data center name The name of the data center on which the HP NFVD is hosted. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD hostname Specify the hostname of the HP NFVD. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD host port Specify the port of the HP NFVD. Required
HP NFVD username Specify the username. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
Password Enter the password with which to authenticate. Required. Plain text password can be entered.
HTTPS or HTTP connection to the HP NFVD server Choose to make either a HTTPS (secured) or HTTP connection to the HP NFVD server. Required. When set to true, provide the target system certificate to the certificate parameter.
True for a CNF job and false for a VNF job The VNF job is expected to run with fewer threads and will take longer to complete. If this filter parameter is set to false, cnf_group_filters defines group names to exclude. If this filter parameter is set to true, cnf_group_filters defines group names to include. Required
Target system certificate Specify a certificate by name to load into the trustStore. Required if the HTTPS connection to the HP NFVD server parameter is set to true. To obtain authentication certificates using OpenSSL and store them as secrets, see Configuring observer jobs security.
SSL Verification Choose whether SSL validation is true or false. Turning SSL validation false will use HTTPS without hostname validation. Optional
Connection timeout Enter the time at which the connection actions time out. Optional. Must be a value greater than 0 (zero). The default is 5000 (5 seconds).
Read timeout Enter the time at which the read actions time out. Optional. Must be a value greater than 0 (zero). The default is 5000 (5 seconds).
First retry after delay (milliseconds) Set the initial delay for a retry. Optional
Correlate Set this to true to enable Event Analytics correlation on the topology grouping based on VNF Groups created by this job. Optional
CNF group name for filters If specified, this parameter selects CNF groups by partial matching on group name. For example, if CNF1,CNF2 is specified, then a CNF job will only process matching groups such as 'MyCNF1Yeh' and 'YourCNF2No', and a VNF job will process groups that do not match. Optional
Access scope Enter text to provide a scope for the resources. Access scope can help map alerts to resources when resources in different scopes share the same parameters, such as matchTokens. Optional. Tip: You can define access scope for locations, project names, namespaces, etc.
Generate debug support file Set this parameter to 'True' in order to capture the output of the next scheduled job run as a file. This file will be stored with an observer's log files and can be used to debug observer issues, for example at the request of your designated support team, or while using a test environment. For one-off jobs (that is, Load jobs), this parameter reverts to 'False' after the next completed run. To examine the output produced, you can load the generated debug file using the File Observer. Optional
Observer job description Enter additional information to describe the job Optional
Job schedule Specify when the job runs Optional. Load jobs only.

Fileload job parameters

Parameter Action Details
Unique ID Enter a unique name for the job Required
HP NFVD data center name The name of the data center on which the HP NFVD is hosted. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD hostname Specify the hostname of the HP NFVD. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD username Specify the username. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
Name of the VNF or CNF data file Specify the name of the VNF or CNF data file. Wildcards (*) are supported.
Use separate data files for CNF and VNF resource types.
If the filename contains the token nfvd-cnf-data-dump/nfvd_cnf_data_dump, it is treated as a CNF resource.
If the filename contains the token nfvd-vnf-data-dump/nfvd_vnf_data_dump then it is treated as a VNF resource.
Required. The data file must be located in the $/opt/ibm/netcool/asm/data/hpnfvd-observer directory.
HP NFVD archive file retention days Specify the number of days that the HP NFVD archive files are retained. Optional. Default is 5 days.
Correlate Set this to true to enable Event Analytics correlation on the topology grouping based on VNF Groups created by this job. Optional
Access scope Enter text to provide a scope for the resources. Access scope can help map alerts to resources when resources in different scopes share the same parameters, such as matchTokens. Optional. Tip: You can define access scope for locations, project names, namespaces, etc.
Generate debug support file Set this parameter to 'True' in order to capture the output of the next scheduled job run as a file. This file will be stored with an observer's log files and can be used to debug observer issues, for example at the request of your designated support team, or while using a test environment. For one-off jobs (that is, Load jobs), this parameter reverts to 'False' after the next completed run. To examine the output produced, you can load the generated debug file using the File Observer. Optional
Observer job description Enter additional information to describe the job Optional
Job schedule Specify when the job runs Optional. Load jobs only.

Listen job parameters

Parameter Action Details
Unique ID Enter a unique name for the job Required
HP NFVD data center name The name of the data center on which the HP NFVD is hosted. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD Kafka broker host Specify the hostname of the HP NFVD. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
HP NFVD Kafka broker port Specify the port number of the Kafka broker. Required
The HP NFVD Kafka topic to listen for LCM notifications Specify the topic name for LCM notifications. Required
HP NFVD username Specify the username. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, configure the same data center name, username and hostname across all jobs.
True for a CNF job and false for a VNF job Specify True for a CNF job, or False for a VNF job. The VNF job is expected to run with fewer threads and will take longer to complete. Required. Important: To observe the complete lifecycle of resources, this must be the same as the option used in the Load job.
SSL Choose to turn SSL on (or off) for Kafka connection. Turn this option on if the Kafka connection is secured using SSL. Optional
Avro Decoding Choose whether Avro decoding is on or off (True or False). Set to True if incoming LCM messages are Avro encoded. If so, the Avro schema file is required. Optional. Default is false.
Avro schema file The name of the Avro schema file to be used in decoding binary Avro Kafka messages. Required if Avro Decoding is set to true. Complete the Avro schema file setup.
Kafka TrustStore file Specify the truststore file used to establish a secured connection to the Kafka broker Required if SSL has been enabled. For TrustStore and KeyStore configuration, see Avro schema file.
Kafka trustStore password Enter the password of the Kafka truststore Required if a Kafka TrustStore file is specified. Use plain text.
Kafka KeyStore file Specify the keyStore file used to establish a secured connection to the Kafka broker Required if SSL has been enabled. For TrustStore and KeyStore configuration, see Avro schema file.
Kafka keyStore password Enter the password of the Kafka keyStore Required if a Kafka KeyStore file has been specified. Use plain text.
Access scope Enter text to provide a scope for the resources. Access scope can help map alerts to resources when resources in different scopes share the same parameters, such as matchTokens. Optional. Tip: You can define access scope for locations, project names, namespaces, etc.
Generate debug support file Set this parameter to 'True' in order to capture the output of the next scheduled job run as a file. This file will be stored with an observer's log files and can be used to debug observer issues, for example at the request of your designated support team, or while using a test environment. For one-off jobs (that is, Load jobs), this parameter reverts to 'False' after the next completed run. To examine the output produced, you can load the generated debug file using the File Observer. Optional
Observer job description Enter additional information to describe the job Optional
Job schedule Specify when the job runs Optional. Load jobs only.

To use the Avro schema file

Avro schema file setup is required if the Avro decoding parameter is set to True.

To use the LCM Avro schema file, create a ConfigMap for the schema file to be mounted to the existing volume. If Kafka is in secured mode (SSL), additionally create two ConfigMaps (that is, truststore and keystore to be mounted to the existing volume).

Assumption: The Kafka keystore and truststore files are already set up together with the LCM Avro schema file.

  1. Create a configMaps to mount the schema files to the existing volume.

    a. Create ConfigMaps to mount schema files to the existing volume.

    The example below creates the ConfigMap Avro schema file named 'lcm-notification-schema.avsc':

    oc create configmap hpnfvd-lcm-notification-schema --from-file=lcm-notification-schema.avsc

    If Kafka is secured (SSL), keystore/truststore is most likely required. The example below creates ConfigMaps using the keystore file named 'keystore', and the truststore file named 'truststore':

    oc create configmap hpnfvd-kafka-truststore --from-file=truststore
    oc create configmap hpnfvd-kafka-keystore --from-file=keystore

    After creating the ConfigMap, you can verify the results using one of the following commands:

    oc describe <configMap name>


    oc get <configMap name>

    b. Map the ConfigMap to a volume in the pod's deployment.

    Add to the existing volume, (asm-security), under 'volume Mounts' and 'volumes':

      - mountPath: /opt/ibm/netcool/asm/security         <--- existing mount
        name: asm-security
      - name: asm-security
      - configMap:
        name: hpnfvd-lcm-notification-schema
        optional: false
        - key: lcm-notification-schema.avsc
          path: lcm-notification-schema.avsc        

    You can verify the results using the following command:

    oc exec -it <pod-name> -- ls /opt/ibm/netcool/asm/security

    The schema files should be listed.