Defining observer jobs for application and topology data

You can configure observer jobs for collecting application and topology data by using the Observer Configuration UI.

Note: The restriction on the number of concurrent observer jobs has been lifted. Any jobs that are started via the UI or the Observer Service Swagger page that exceed the set threshold of concurrently running jobs (ten) will not be discarded, but instead queued and run as soon as previous jobs complete. Should a scheduled job be prevented from running in such a scenario, it will not fail, though it might run later than scheduled.

Before you begin

For more information on configuring certificates and passwords, see the Configuring observer jobs security topic.

Note: The following observers are enabled by default:

  • ServiceNow observer*
  • Kubernetes observer*
  • VMware vCenter observer*
  • File observer
  • REST observer

*If you have any restrictive EgressNetworkPolicies in place when connecting to these observer target systems, ensure that they are updated to allow for this inbound connection. For more information, see Postinstallation tasks.

To add other observers

  1. In the Operator Lifecycle Management console, go to Operators > Installed Operators.
  2. Choose the project where IBM Cloud Pak® for AIOps is installed from the Project drop-down list.
  3. Click the IBM Netcool Agile Service Manager operator.
  4. Navigate to the Agile Service Manager tab and select the existing Agile Service Manager instance (such as aiops-topology).
  5. Click the YAML tab and edit the file. To enable an observer, set it to true, then click Save. (Tip: To disable it, set it to false.)

To enable observers

  1. Change to the namespace (project) where IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps was installed:

    oc project
  2. Find the ASM release name using the following command:

    oc get asm


    oc get asm aiops-topology
    NAME             AGE
    aiops-topology   20h
  3. Edit aiops-topology:

    oc edit asm aiops-topology

    Change the value to true for the observers that you want to enable. For example:

      almObserver: false
      ansibleawxObserver: true
      appdynamicsObserver: true
      awsObserver: true
      azureObserver: true
  4. To check all observers have been enabled run the following command:

    oc get pod | grep aiops-topology


  • To disable an observer, set the associated observer parameter to false in the ASM release name.

  • To verify that the ASM release name has the status of OK after the change:

    oc get asm aiops-topology --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.phase"
  • To verify that the ASMformation release name has the status of OK:

    oc get asmformation aiops-topology --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.phase"
  • To manually delete the kubernetes deployment for that observer to free up resources:

    oc delete deployment -l<observer_name>


oc delete deployment -l
deployment.apps "aiops-topology-alm-observer" deleted

To access the Observer Configuration UI

  1. Expand Define, click Integrations, and then click the Manage observer jobs tab.
  2. Click Configure, schedule, and manage observer jobs. The Observer jobs page is displayed.
  3. Here, you can add a new job, or view, search for, or sort existing jobs by job name, observer name, job status or job type.

Observer jobs

The Observer jobs panel displays all existing jobs in table format. From here, you can interact with existing jobs, or create new ones.

If you have a large number of jobs configured, you can use Search to find it.

All existing jobs are listed in a table by name, observer name, job status or job type columns, which are sortable. For each job its state is indicated. Hover over the state to see a tooltip with more information.

If a job has been scheduled, you can hover over the Schedule icon to view more details. The Schedule icon is either a clock icon if scheduled to run at set intervals, or an hourglass icon if it is scheduled to run only once at a future time. When you cancel a scheduled job (Load jobs only) using Remove Schedule, this reverts the job to a default, on-demand job.

You can run a job manually, or switch it On or Off, depending on the job type.

You can also use the List of options drop-down to View & Edit or Delete a job, or View History for it (View History is available for Load jobs only).

When you Delete a running job, it will not complete its current run, but any previously loaded data will remain. You cannot delete a job that is in the 'Finishing' state.

When you select View History for a job, the Observer job history window opens listing the last 10 jobs, when they were run, their observation count, duration, and status. You can refine the list using the All, Complete, or Incomplete tabs.

Click the Add a new job + button to open the Add a new job panel, which displays all jobs that can be configured in tile format. Click a specific observer tile to open its job configuration window. The Observer job configuration UI lists each job parameter that you must configure. See the topic specific to the observer job you are configuring for more information.

New 'Generate debug support file' parameter: Set the optional Generate debug support file parameter to 'True' in order to capture the output of the next scheduled job run as a file. This file will be stored with an observer's log files and can be used to debug observer issues, for example at the request of your designated support team, or while using a test environment. For one-off jobs (that is, Load jobs), this parameter reverts to 'False' after the next completed run. To examine the output produced, you can load the generated debug file using the File Observer (from /var/log/itsm/<obs>-observer). Note that this functionality is available only from the Observer job configuration UI.

Tip: If an observer stops or is removed, you cannot run existing jobs, or add new jobs. Stopped or removed observers and jobs that are listed in the Observer Configuration UI will be disabled or removed in progressive (housekeeping) steps. If you are reinstalling or reactivating an observer, the jobs and the observer will again become available.

  1. Up to 5 minutes after removal, observers and jobs still appear as normal until the housekeeping process runs, but cannot be used.
  2. Up to 60 minutes after removal, the observer is still listed, but jobs are unavailable and marked offline until the next housekeeping process runs. You can delete existing jobs, but cannot view, add or edit jobs.
  3. After 60 minutes the removed observer is no longer listed, but jobs remain, though they are disabled and marked offline. You can delete existing jobs, but cannot view, add or edit jobs.
  4. If at any time you reinstall or reactivate the observer, it reappears in the UI, and existing (previously active) jobs are no longer disable. You can delete, view or edit existing jobs, or add new jobs.

Configuring ALM Observer jobs

You can define jobs that dynamically load data associated with intent for analysis.

Configuring Ansible AWX Observer jobs

Using the Ansible AWX Observer, you can define load jobs that will gather and read data from a defined Ansible AWX instance. When a load job is run, it will load a baseline topology data view from Ansible AWX through its REST APIs.

Configuring AppDynamics Observer jobs

Using the AppDynamics Observer, you can define a full load job that will read data from the AppDynamics Controller through the REST API. This job can provide, for example, business applications, nodes, and tiers.

Configuring AWS Observer jobs

Using the AWS Observer, you can define jobs that read services data from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) through AWS SDK and generate a topology. It is installed as part of the core installation procedure.

Configuring Azure Observer jobs

Using the Azure Observer, you can define a full load job that will read data from Azure cloud services through its REST APIs and generate a topology.

Configuring Big Cloud Fabric Observer jobs

Using the Big Cloud Fabric Observer, you can define a full load job that will load data from the Big Cloud Fabric REST interface..

Configuring BigFix Inventory Observer jobs

You configure BigFix Inventory Observer jobs to read data from a BigFix Inventory instance through its REST APIs, and generate a topology.

Configuring Ciena Blue Planet Observer jobs

Using the Ciena Blue Planet Observer, you can define jobs that will gather and read all topology data from the Blue Planet MCP instance by REST API and generate a topology.

Configuring Cisco ACI Observer jobs

You use the Cisco ACI Observer when you have a Cisco ACI environment with Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) in your environment. The Observer interfaces with Cisco APIC and makes active REST calls to Cisco APIC in the Cisco ACI environment. You configure observer jobs that dynamically load Cisco ACI data for analysis from the Observer Configuration UI.

Configuring Contrail Observer jobs

Using the Contrail Observer, you can retrieve topology data from Juniper Network Contrail Release 4.1 through REST APIs exposed by the Contrail apiserver. This observer is developed against Juniper Network Contrail that integrates with OpenStack orchestration platform (Ubuntu 18.04 + Contrail Cloud - Ocata).

Configuring DNS Observer jobs

Using the DNS Observer, you can query internal DNS server performance, and use the returned information on response times and service addresses to create topologies within the topology service. The DNS Observer supports forward and reverse job types, with 'recurse' or 'no recurse' options.

Configuring Docker Observer jobs

Using the Docker Observer, you can discover Docker network resources, including Docker Swarm clusters, and then visualize (or model) this data as a topology view in the UI. You configure observer jobs from the Observer Configuration UI.

Configuring Dynatrace Observer jobs

Using the Dynatrace Observer, you can query a specified Dynatrace environment for information about its applications, services, process groups, and infrastructure entities.

Configuring File Observer jobs

Using the File Observer functionality, you can write bespoke data to a file in a specific format. You can upload this data to the topology service, and then visualize this data as a topology view in the UI.

Configuring GitLab Observer jobs

Using the GitLab Observer functionality, you dynamically load GitLab projects and their child resources to the topology service, and then visualize this data as a topology view in the UI.

Configuring GoogleCloud Observer jobs

Using the GoogleCloud Observer, you can define a full load job that will read services data from the Google Cloud Platform Compute Services through Google's Compute Services SDK, and then generate a topology.

Configuring HP NFVD Observer jobs

Using the HP NFVD Observer, you can dynamically load data from the HP NFVD REST interface.

Configuring IBM Cloud Observer jobs

Use the IBM Cloud Observer when you install IBM Cloud in your environment to run jobs that read data from an IBM cloud instance. These jobs retrieve Cloud Foundry Apps information and services, and then dynamically load the retrieved data for analysis.

Configuring Jenkins Observer jobs

Using Jenkins Observer, you can define listen jobs that receive build information generated by the plug-in for Jenkins.

Configuring Juniper CSO Observer jobs

Using the Juniper CSO Observer, you can define a full load job that will gather and read data about topology data from Juniper CSO. The observer is installed as part of the core installation procedure.

Configuring Kubernetes Observer jobs

Using this observer, you can configure jobs that discover the structure of your Kubernetes clusters, including pods, worker nodes and containers.

Configuring Network Manager Observer jobs

Using the IBM Tivoli Network Manager Observer, you can define jobs that dynamically load data discovered by Network Manager for analysis.

Configuring New Relic Observer jobs

Use New Relic Observer when you have a New Relic account with a New Relic Infrastructure subscription. Using New Relic Observer, you can configure jobs that dynamically load New Relic Infrastructure resource data through New Relic for analysis.

Configuring OpenStack Observer jobs

Using the OpenStack Observer, you can configure jobs that dynamically load OpenStack data for analysis.

Configuring Rancher Observer jobs

Using the Rancher Observer, you can define a full load job that will read data from Rancher through the REST API and generate a topology.

Configuring REST Observer jobs

Use the REST Observer for obtaining topology data through REST endpoints. This observer is a counterpart to the File Observer.

Configuring SDC ONAP Observer jobs

You configure SDC (Service Design and Creation) ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform) Observer jobs to dynamically load data from the SDC REST interface.

Configuring ServiceNow Observer jobs

Using the ServiceNow Observer job, you can retrieve the configuration management database (CMDB) data from ServiceNow through REST API, using basic authentication credentials.

Configuring SevOne Observer jobs

Using the SevOne Observer functionality, you can load monitored servers and their relationships, and then visualize this data as a topology view.

Configuring Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Observer jobs

IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Observer jobs retrieve network topology data, including discovered applications, their components, configurations and dependencies, from the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager database server (running either an IBM Db2 or an Oracle database), and use this data to create topology views.

Configuring Viptela Observer jobs

You configure Viptela Observer jobs to load managed Viptela SD-WAN control plane, vEdge and their associated network resources.

Configuring VMware NSX Observer jobs

You configure VMware NSX Observer jobs to dynamically load data from the VMware NSX REST interface.

Configuring VMware vCenter Observer jobs

You configure VMware vCenter Observer jobs to dynamically load data from the VMware vCenter REST interface.

Configuring Zabbix Observer jobs

Using the Zabbix Observer functionality, you can load monitored servers and their associated network resources, and then visualize this data as a topology view in the UI. It is installed as part of the core installation procedure.