IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud
The Message Bus Probe can be configured to integrate with IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud.
Configuring the Message Bus Probe
The following configuration files are supplied with the probe for the integration with the
Message Bus server:
- message_bus.props
- message_bus_parser_config.json
- kafkaConnectionProperties.json
The integration also requires the following files which you must create manually:
- kafka_client_jaas.conf
To configure the Message Bus Probe to consume new events from IBM Event Streams, use the following steps:
- Create and configure an IBM Event Streams on IBM Cloud. For details about how to do so, see the
following web page: The credentials needed by the probe to connect to the target can be found under Service Credentials in the Event Stream service created.
- Install/update the Message Bus Probe using IBM Installation Manager, see Installing probes.
- Configure the properties in the message_bus.props file.
Example values:
PropsFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32\message_bus.props' RulesFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32\message_bus_kafka.rules' TransportType : 'KAFKA' TransportFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\java\conf\' TransformerFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32\message_bus_parser_config.json' MessagePayload : 'JSON' EnableSSL : 'true' NHttpd.EnableHTTP : TRUE NHttpd.ListeningPort : 8080 HeartbeatInterval : 10
Note: There is no need to configure Username and Password in probe properties file, instead the probe takes the values specified in the kafka_client_jaas.conf file. - Configure the parser properties in the message_bus_parser_config.json
Example values:
{ "eventSources" : [ { "endpoint" : "/notification", "name" : "NotificationAlarmParser", "config" : { "dataToRecord" : [ ], "messagePayload" : "json", "messageHeader" : "", "jsonNestedPayload" : "", "jsonNestedHeader" : "", "messageDepth" : 3 } }, { "endpoint" : "/resync", "name" : "ResyncAlarmParser", "config" : { "dataToRecord" : [ ], "messagePayload" : "json", "messageHeader" : "", "jsonNestedPayload" : "", "jsonNestedHeader" : "", "messageDepth" : 3 } }, { "name" : "OtherAlarmParser", "type" : "ANY", "config" : { "dataToRecord" : [ ], "messagePayload" : "json", "messageHeader" : "", "jsonNestedPayload" : "", "jsonNestedHeader" : "", "messageDepth" : 5 } }] }
- Configure the Kafka client login details in the kafka_client_jaas.conf
Example values:
KafkaClient { required serviceName="kafka" username="<Event Streams USER>" password="<Event Streams API_KEY>"; };
- Specify the Java security authentication configuration to use in the file.
Example value:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\java\conf\kafka_client_jaas.conf
- Configure the Kafka client properties in the
Example values:
key.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer acks=all security.protocol=SASL_SSL sasl.mechanism=PLAIN ssl.protocol=TLSv1.2 ssl.enabled.protocols=TLSv1.2 ssl.keystore.location=C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\platform\win32\jre_1.8.0\jre\lib\security\cacerts ssl.keystore.password=changeit ssl.keystore.type=JKS
- Configure the Kafka client connection properties in the
kafkaConnectionProperties.json file.
Example values:
{ "zookeeper_client" : { "target" : "", "properties" : "", "java_sys_props" : "", "topic_watch": false, "broker_watch": false }, "brokers" :"<KAFKA_BROKERS_SASL>, "topics": "<Event Streams TOPIC NAME>", "kafka_client" : { "properties" : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\java\\conf\\", "java_sys_props" : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\java\\conf\\" } }
Note: Event Streams service provides a list of brokers. If you wish to use multiple brokers, you can configure this file with multiple brokers, each separated with a comma. - Configure the Kafka transport properties in the
Example values:
KafkaClientMode=CONSUMER ConnectionPropertiesFile=C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\java\conf\kafkaConnectionProperties.json
- Start the probe with the propsfile option to specify the Kafka properties file
using the following command:
$OMNIHOME\probes\nco_p_message_bus -propsfile $OMNIHOME\probes\win32\message_bus_message.props
- To test if your Event Stream service is configured correctly and has started successfully, send events to the target using the sample producer application provided in the IBM Event Streams.