Configuring the transport module

The transport properties file defines how the probe receives events from the transport module.

HPE OMi transport properties file

The probe is packaged with the file which is a pre-configured transport properties file. To specify a different transport properties file, use the TransportFile property in the hpe_omi.props file.

The following table describes the properties used to configure the file.
Table 1. HPE OMi transport properties

Property name



Use this property to configure the headers in the HTTP request.

The default is Authorization=Basic ++Username++:++Password++,content-type=application/xml

++Username++ and ++Password++ are resolved during runtime with the values configured in the Username and Password probe properties. The values must be consistent with the AUTH configuration in the OMi Connected Server instance.


Use this property to specify the URI that the probe uses to request OMi alerts.

The default is /opr-web/rest/event_list.


Use this property to specify the request method to retrieve alerts from the target system.

The default is GET


Use this property to specify the URI that the probe uses to listen for notification forwarded from the target system. The value must be consistent to the URI configured in the OMi Connected Server instance.

The default is /probe/webhook