Connecting to the CORBA interface

The probe connects to the CORBA interface using Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) files.

The probe gets the object reference of the AlarmIRPOperation and NotificationIRPOperation objects from the IOR files specified by the AlarmIRPName and NotificationIRPName properties. The AlarmIRPOperation and NotificationIRPOperation objects form a part of the Integration Reference Point (IRP) Agent.

To get the IOR files, the probe retrieves the Entry Point IRP IOR file specified by the EntryPointIORFile property.

To define the alarm and notification IRP IOR files, the probe retrieves the information specified in the AlarmIRPIORFile and NotificationIRPIORFile properties.

To use the Naming service, provide the host and port number by specifying the NamingServiceHost and NamingServicePort properties.

The Naming Service IOR file is specified by the NamingServiceIORFile property.

If Entry Point IRP authentication is enabled on the IRP Agent, you must use the Username and Password properties to specify the user name and password required to log in to the Huawei U2000 3GPP system.

Note: If an encrypted password has been configured in the Huawei U2000 3GPP EMS for the RAN Sharing feature, you will have to obtain the encrypted password string from the EMS vendor, Huawei Technologies.