Format of the nco_http command line

The format of the nco_http command line to send a command to the probe is:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri probeuri:probeport/probes/generic_3gpp -datatype application/json -method post -data '{"command":"command-name","params":[command-parameters]}'


  • probeuri is the URI of the probe.
  • probeport is the port that the probe uses to listen for HTTP/HTTPS commands. Specify the same value as that set for the NHttp.ListeningPort.
  • command-name is the name of the command to send to the probe. The following command names are available:
    • acknowlege_alarm
    • clear_alarm
    • help
    • resync_all
    • resync_filter
    • unacknowlege_alarm
    • userid_acknowlege_alarm
    • userid_clear_alarm
    • userid_unacknowlege_alarm
    • version
    Note: Version 3.2 of the 3GPP Interface does not support clear_alarm or userid_clear_alarm.
  • command-parameters is a list of zero or more command parameters. For commands that have no parameters, this component is empty. The command descriptions in the following section define the parameters that each takes.