Configuring peer-to-peer functionality
When configuring two probes in a failover pair, you should specify unique values for the following properties so that the two probe instances do not attempt to overwrite each others files:
- PidFile
- PropsFile
- DataBackupFile
You should also specify a different rules file for each instance using the RulesFile property. You should, however, specify the same values for the following properties, because these properties relate to the database from which the two probes acquire events and how they acquire those events:
- SelectSqlFile
- DBPassword
- DBUsername
- JdbcDriver
- JdbcUrl
- MarkerColumn
- InitialResynch
- ResynchInterval
Example property file settings
You set the peer-to-peer failover mode in the properties files of the master and slave probes. The settings differ for a master probe and slave probe.
The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of a master probe:
Mode : "master"
DataBackupFile : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\var\\RecoveryFile_master"
RulesFile : "master_rules_file"
MessageLog : "master_log_file"
PeerHost : "slave_hostname"
PeerPort : 9988 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
PidFile : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\var\\"
The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of the corresponding slave probe:
Mode : "slave"
DataBackupFile : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\var\\RecoveryFile_slave"
RulesFile : "slave_rules_file"
MessageLog : "slave_log_file"
PeerHost : "master_hostname"
PeerPort : 9988 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
PidFile : "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\var\\"