
The probe breaks event data down into tokens and parses them into elements. Elements are used to assign values to ObjectServer fields; the field values contain the event details in a form that the ObjectServer understands.

The following tables describe the elements that the Probe for Microsoft EWS generates for all emails that it receives.

Table 1. Elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates the total number of events in the email body.

Note: The probe generates elements for each of the events in the email body.


This element contains numeric index of this current event among all events in the enclosing email, starting from 1.


This element contains the Bcc recipients of the email. They appear in the following format:

name1 <address1>; name2 <address2>; ... and so forth.


This element contains the body of the email.


This element identifies a single line within the body of the email, where nn indicates the line number.


This element indicates the total number of lines in the body of the email.


This element contains the Cc recipients of the email. They appear in the following format:

name1 <address1>; name2 <address2>; ... and so forth.


This element shows the date and time at which the email was sent out by sender.


This element shows the date and time at which the email was created in the Microsoft Exchange folder currently being monitored.


This element shows the date and time at which the email was received by Microsoft Exchange.


This element indicates the sender of the email in the format: name <email address>, for example: John Smith <jsmith@my.ibm.com>.

Note: This is different from on-behalf sender.


This element indicates the email address of the sender of the email.

$From Name

This element indicates the name of the sender of the email, for example: John Smith.


This element contains the full header details of the email.


This element identifies a single line within the header of the email, where nn indicates the line number.


This indicates the total number of lines in the header of the email.

$HeaderField_<field name>

This element contains the content of the specified field in email header.


This element indicates the importance of email as set by the sender.


This element contains the Internet message ID of the email.


This element indicates whether the email has been read.


This element contains the unique ID for the email in Microsoft Exchange.


This element contains the email addresses to which replies should be addressed. They appear in the following format: name1 <address1>; name2 <address2>; ... and so forth.


This element contains on-behalf sender of the email. If the email was not sent on behalf of another person, this element will be empty.


This element indicates the subject of the email.


This element indicates the severity level of the event.

Note: This element is available only when the email body contains a line in the format: Severity:<severity_value>.


This element indicates the email addresses of the recipients of the email.

This element has the following format: name1 <address1>; name2 <address2>; and so forth.


This element indicates the conversation topic of related emails.

$Topic excludes conversation prefixes like Re or Fwd. For example: If the email Subject is Re: Meeting Agenda, $Topic contains Meeting agenda.

The following tables describe the elements that the Probe for Microsoft EWS may generate for the events within an email.

Table 2. Elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates the start of the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element indicates the end of the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element contains the line the precede first line actual tokens, after $ALARM_STARTin the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element contains Total of lines in content of

the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element contains the nth line of content of the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.

$NVP_<name of NVP>

This element contains a named-value-pair (if one exists) in the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element indicates the total number of tokens in the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.


This element contains the nth token in the current event indexed by the $AlarmIndex element in the email body.