Error messages generated by the Configuration Analyser

The following table describes the error messages generated by the Configuration Analsyer.

Table 1. Error messages
Error message Description Action
An error has caused the program to terminate abnormally. Please re-run it and set CheckLevel to DEBUG_MIN in the probe properties file, and then check $OMNIHOME/log/probe_name.check.log for more details.

There was an internal error in the Configuration Analyser.

Check the $OMNIHOME/log/probe_name.check.log file for more details.

Parse Error: ******

There was a parsing error in the test XML file shipped with the probe.

Check that $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/configAnalyser.xsd exists.

Check that $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/probe_name.check.jar exists.

If the problem persists across several probes, reinstall the Configuration Analyser. Otherwise, reinstall the probe.