Filters for notifications and alarms
The NotificationFilter and AlarmFilter properties allow you to specify what notifications and alarms are sent to the probe. When you use these properties, you must use the actual token names.
represents the
element PerceivedSeverity. So, to specify that the probe is sent only notifications with a perceived
severity of 3, you must set the NotificationFilter property
to $h = = 3.You can specify more complex filters using AND and OR statements. For example, to specify that the probe is sent notifications with a perceived severity of 3 or 4, you must set the NotificationFilter property to $h = = 3 or $h = = 4.
To specify that the probe is only sent notifications for a specific managed element, set the NotificationFilter property to Managed_Node_Name~$e where $e represents the element ManagedObjectInstance and Managed_Node_Name is the name of the managed object.
The following table displays the token mappings for use with the AlarmFilter and NotificationFilter properties.
Element | Token |
NotificationID | a |
EventTime | b |
SystemDN | c |
ManagedObjectClass | d |
ManagedObjectInstance | e |
AlarmId | f |
ProbableCause | g |
PerceivedSeverity | h |
SpecificProblem | i |
AdditionalText | j |
AckTime | k |
AckUserId | l |
AckSystemId | m |
AckState | n |
Comments | o |
BackupUpStatus | p |
BackupObject | q |
ThresholdInfo | r |
TrendIndication | s |
StateChangeDefinition | t |
MonitoredAttributes | u |
ProposedRepairActions | v |
CorrelatedNotifications | w |
Reason | x |
ClearUserId | y |
ClearSystemId | z |
AlarmListAllignmentRequirement | ff |
ServiceUser | gg |
ServiceProvider | hh |
SecurityAlarmDetector | ii |
VendorSpecificAlarmType | jj |
AlarmRaisedTime | kk |
AlarmClearedTime | ll |