Data stream capture
The probe can capture the data stream sent from a device in a stream capture file. For each connection, the full data stream is stored in a stream capture file
The data stream is stored using the following naming convention:
Stream capture data can be used for debugging purposes, to develop new features for the probe, or to pass to other management systems that require the same data.
Rotating stream capture files
The probe can rotate stream capture files; that is, it can write to a stream capture file that is saved and archived periodically when a predefined file size is reached
To use this feature, set the maximum size for the stream capture file using the MaxStreamCapFileSize property and set the DateStreamCapture property to 1.
When the DateStreamCapture property is set to 1, the probe creates a stream capture file with the following naming convention:
streamcapturefile_host_port_date_timeBy appending the filename with a timestamp, the probe avoids overwriting the old stream capture file.
The maximum file size specified by the MaxStreamCapFileSize property acts as an upper limit for the stream capture file. If the probe reads a stream whose size exceeds the remaining allowable space in the current stream capture file, it saves the current file and creates a new one, thus storing the whole stream in a single file.
If you do not specify a maximum size for the stream capture file, it grows indefinitely until the connection is closed. If the MaxStreamCapFileSize property is set and the DateStreamCapture property is set to 0, the probe overwrites the stream capture file for that connection each time the maximum file size is reached.