Configuring the transport module

The transport properties file defines how the probe receives events from the transport module.

Juniper Contrail transport properties file

The probe is packaged with the file which is a pre-configured transport properties file for the probe to retrieve faultInst objects from Juniper Contrail. This configuration file does not require customization, unless you have special requirements; for example, to define the scope of filters or refresh intervals.

To specify a different transport properties file, use the TransportFile property in the juniper_contrail.props file.

The configuration of the file supplied with the probe is based on the Juniper Contrail REST API specifications.

The following table describes the properties used to configure the file.
Table 1. Juniper Contrail transport properties

Property name



Use this property to specify the version of the HTTP protocol that the target system supports.

For Juniper Contrail, this property is set to 1.1.


Use this property to specify how long (in seconds) the probe waits for a response from the target system before timing out.

For Juniper Contrail, this property is set to 120.


Use this property to specify the URI that the probe uses to request a resynchronization with the target system at startup.

For Juniper Contrail, set this property to /analytics/query.


Use this property to specify the message type that the probe sends to request a resynchronization with the target system.

For Juniper Contrail, this property is set to POST.


Use this property to specify any additional information that the probe sends with the resynchronization request.

For Juniper Contrail, this property is set to {"sort": 1, "start_time": ++StartTime++, "sort_fields": ["MessageTS"], "filter": [{"name": "Level", "value": "6", "op": 5, "suffix" : null, "value2": null}], "end_time": ++EndTime++, "select_fields": ["Source", "NodeType", "MessageTS", "SequenceNum", "Category", "InstanceId", "ModuleId", "Messagetype", "Type", "Level", "Xmlmessage"], "table": "MessageTable" }

Note: The ++StartTime++ and ++EndTime++ are placeholders for the start and end of a time window used in the query statement, and later replaced with runtime values accordingly.