Filtering notifications and alarms
You can use filtering properties to specify how the probe filters events to receive only preferred notifications and alarms.
The NotificationFilter and ResyncFilter properties
allow you to specify what notifications and alarms are sent to the
probe. When you use these properties, specify the actual token names.
For example, the token h
represents the element NV_PERCEIVED_SEVERITY
To specify that the probe is only sent notifications with a perceived
severity of 3, set the ResyncFilter property
to $h == 3
You can specify more complex filters
using or
and and
operators. For
example, to specify that the probe receives notifications with a perceived
severity of 3 or 4, set the ResyncFilter property
to the following value:
$h == 3 or $h
== 4
You can use the tokens listed below as notification filter properties.
To specify that the probe is only sent with
communications alarms, set the NotificationFilter property
to $event_name == 'x1'
Commonly supported tokens
This token represents the type of notification and allows the following
possible values:
: New alarm
Alarm with its state changed to either acknowledged or unacknowledged
Cleared alarm
: This token represents
the type of alarm and allows the following possible values:
Communications alarm
: Processing error
: Environmental alarm
Quality of service alarm
: Equipment alarm
Integrity violation
: Operational violation
Physical violation
: Security service
or mechanism violation
: Time domain
Token supported in NotificationFilter only:
This token represents the managed object instance.
Tokens supported in ResyncFilter only
This token represents event time in units of 100 nano seconds since
October 15, 1582.
: This token represents
perceived severity of alarm and allows the following possible values:
: Major
: Warning