Example data stream capture file settings

The following example shows the stream capture settings used to log events to the default location:

  1. Specify the following properties in the properties file $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/tivoli_eif.props:
    PortNumber   :	9999
    MessageLevel  :	"debug"
    StreamCapture    :	"true"
  2. Start the probe using the following command:

    $OMNIHOME/probes/nco_ p_tivoli_eif -messagelog stdout -messagelevel debug

The probe processes the incoming events and the streamcapture file is found in $OMNIHOME/var/

Logging stream capture to a specified location

The following example shows the stream capture settings used to log events to a specific location:
  1. Specify the following properties in the properties file $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/tivoli_eif.props:
    PortNumber   :	9999
    MessageLevel  :	"debug"
    StreamCapture    :	"true"
    StreamCaptureFilename    :	"./testcapture"
  2. Start the probe with the following command:

    $OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_tivoli_eif -messagelog stdout -messagelevel debug

The probe processes the incoming events and the streamcapture file is found in the current working directory.