
This topic provides troubleshooting assistance for running the Message Bus Probe.

Performing an access token request when running the probe with either the Kafka or EventSource transport

The Message Bus Probe running with either the Kafka or EventSource transport can be configured with one or more REST API request such as to perform an access token request and to create a subscription request with the target system after initiating a connection (login). If an error occurs before the connection stage completes (after the probe has sent out the login HTTP request(s)), the probe may not send the configured logout requests to revoke the access token and to remove the subscription. For some systems that limits the number of client access token or subscription, it may reject subsequent login requests from the probe.


After several connection attempts, if the probe is still unable to login to a target system although it has been configured to construct a valid HTTP request for the REST API request, it could be that the target system has reached its limit and is rejecting the probe login request until the previous logins are cleaned up on the target system.

Check whether there are any invalid tokens or subscriptions on the target system and clear them if necessary.

Host verification issues


The probe log contains the following message:

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Exception caught in MultiChannelHttpRequestHandler. Channel Id: 494e4799 Channel Status: active=false 
Cause: No name matching <hostname> found 
Message: No name matching <hostname> found 
LocalMessage: No name matching <hostname> found


The probe failed to match the Common Name (CN) of the certificate with the hostname of the target host when hostname verification is enabled.


Verify the CN in the certificate you intend to use to connect to the target host. If the CN does not match the hostname of the target host, create a new certificate. The CN in the certificate must match the hostname of the target host.

Then import the newly created certificate into probe's keystore.


The probe log contains the following message:

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect; ProbeException: Fail to start Transport module for connection; 
TransportAuthorizeException: No subject alternative names present

or No subject alternative names matching <hostname> found


The probe failed to match the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) of the server certificate with the hostname of the target host when hostname verification is enabled.


Recreate the server certificate. The SAN must match the hostname of the target host.

Then import the newly created certificate into probe's keystore.