Deployment Engine (DE) error messages

This section outlines some of the most common DE error messages you may encounter when upgrading from a probe or gateway test fix to a GA version.

DE fails to initialize

Error message:

Deployment Engine failed to initialize. The installer will now shutdown. Please check with the log files for a more complete description of the failure.

Note: Ensure you are using the same user profile under which the DE is installed if you receive this message.

To view the full set of error messages generated by the failed install, check the log files located in the following directory:


Installing while logged in as a non-root user

Error message:

InstallUnauthorizedException: ACUINI0061I User, 1054 does not have root authority!

This error message occurs when a non-root user attempts to install the probe or gateway using the DE and the DE is installed under root user. To create the non-root user, use the following example:

useradd -d /export/home/username -m username

DE failure with BadHostException

Error message:

Could not obtain host name

The host name must be configured properly on the machine before you start the DE. To configure the host name on a UNIX or Linux operation systems, use the following steps:
  1. Open the file /etc/hosts.
  2. Specify the hostname using the following syntax:

    ip_address hostname short_hostname.

    For example, testmachine

wscanhw errors

The wscanhw hardware scan utility scans all mounted drives to check for performance related issues.
Note: DE versions 1.4 and earlier are unable to parse XML output from wscahnw.

Error message: Warning!! FileNotfoundException caught while processing file: /home/user/.acsi_user/bin/

This error message appears if the DE library version is not up to date. To upgrade the library version, use the following steps:
  1. Run the following command:

    rpm -q libstdc++

  2. If the library version returned is not the latest version, please update to libstdc++33-32bit-3.3.3-11.9.x86_64.rpm or later.
Note: The DE does not support or higher on Linux. To upgrade the library on Linux use the following example:
  • On 32-bit systems run the following command:

    $yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686

  • On 64-bit systems run the following commands:

    $yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686

    $yum install compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64