Configuration and tuning

After you have installed the Probe for Genband IEMS, you might need to make some configuration changes to suit your environment.

If you are running the probe on a system where another trapd process is running (for example, HP NNM, or SunNet Manager), you must ensure that a different SNMP port is specified on the command line or by defining the Port property.

Note: You require two licenses if you set the Probe for Genband IEMS to accept both UDP and TCP traps.

Performance tuning

The following guidelines can help you to optimize performance:
Buffer settings
To increase the efficiency of sending alerts to the ObjectServer, the following properties are available:
  • Buffering - When set to 1, this property instructs the probe to send alerts when the internal alert buffer has reached the size specified by the BufferSize property.
  • BufferSize - This property specifies the size of the buffer that the probe uses to store alerts before sending them to the ObjectServer.
  • FlushBufferInterval - This property specifies an interval in seconds that the probe waits before flushing the alerts to the ObjectServer. It limits the time that alerts wait in the buffer when the buffer has yet to reach the size specified by the BufferSize property.
Note: The internal alert buffer contains alerts that have been derived from the raw SNMP traps.
Trap queue size setting
The probe maintains a queue that is used to store raw SNMP traps before they are processed by the probe. When an event storm occurs, this queue can grow quickly consuming excessive amounts of memory. To prevent this, you can use the TrapQueueMax property to specify a maximum size to which this queue can grow before the probe starts to discard traps.
Note: The TrapQueueMax property is set to 20000 by default. If the value is set to 0, the probe sends the following warning message: Memory growth of the probe is unbounded.
Message level and raw capture settings
When using the probe in production mode, do not use the following settings:
  • MessageLevel: debug
  • RawCapture: 1
IP Address resolution
If the Domain Name Server (DNS) is not resolving IP addresses quickly, you can improve performance by setting the NoNameResolution property to 0; this uses less memory.
Rules file
Avoid using construct details ($*) in the rules file.
Alert conversion
To configure the Probe for Genband IEMS to convert alerts to Genband IEMS use the following example:
  • $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql-user username -server servername
  • UPDATE alert.conversions SET Conversion = 'Genband IEMS' where Value = 5155
  • go