Event stream parsing as a single line

You can configure the probe to parse the event stream as a single line with tokens separated by token delimiters.

Note: Whenever ParserSingleLines property is set to true, single-line event mode is switched on and then each line in email body is treated independently as single event. Therefore, the ParserNextAlarmDelimiter, ParserAlarmStart and ParserAlarmEnd properties are no longer applicable here because they are for delimiting events in multi-line event mode only. Whatever values set for ParserNextAlarmDelimiter, ParserAlarmStart and ParserAlarmEnd will be ignored if you set ParserSingleLines to true, because the actual event delimiter will be always fixed to line terminator.

To specify that the probe parses the event stream as a single line, set the ParserSingleLines property to true and specify the delimiter that separates tokens using the ParserElementDelimiter property. To specify name value-pair delimiters, use the ParserNVPDelimiter property.

For example, if ParserElementDelimiter property is set to |, and the probe receives the following line:


Then the probe parses the line into the following tokens:


For name value-pair example, if ParserElementDelimiter property is set to |, ParserNVPDelimiter property is set to =, and the probe receives the following line:


Then the probe parses the line into the following tokens:
