Chat In and Chat Out Scripts

The properties file and command line options use short scripts to control the logging in and out of the target system.

These scripts form a single line in the expect-send format (for chat in scripts) or send-expect format (for chat out scripts). The format is:
ChatinString : <expect> <send> <expect> <send> ...
ChatoutString : <send> <expect> <send> <expect> 
Note: The elements in the chat strings are separated by white space. In order to send or expect a sequence that includes white space, surround the sequence with single quotes.

A typical chat in script might be:


The expect text can use any regular expression, while the send text can send any characters (including control characters) using the standard UNIX/C escape sequences described in Escape Codes.

Display Terminal

Using the ChatinString property you can specify the terminal type that the TSM should use to display results from the Definity 3 device.

The following chat in script sets the terminal type to ATT513:
Login: re19\r rel9Password: jack0055\r Terminal: 513\r Loggedin
Note: By default the TSM uses the ATT513 terminal type.