Installing and running the MustGather tool (IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux)

Learn about installing and running the MustGather tool for IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux.

Installing and running the MustGather tool

The MustGather tool is used for troubleshooting and support purposes. It collects data and logs about a deployment of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps. To install and run the latest version of the MustGather tool, run the following command on the control plane node:

aiopsctl mustgather

Advanced configuration

You can also supply parameters to the MustGather tool. For more information, see Running the MustGather tool. In the example code blocks in the MustGather topics, replace with aiopsctl mustgather for a deployment of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux.

There are additional options available for deployments of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on Linux. Run the following command to seee usage:

aiopsctl mustgather -h

Example output:

root@acme-server:~# aiopsctl mustgather -h
Run the AIOps MustGather script to collect server information for support

  aiopsctl mustgather [flags]

  -a, --alias string     MustGather configuration alias
  -f, --force-install    Force MustGather to be reinstalled
  -h, --help             help for mustgather
  -o, --options string   Additional options that will be supplied to the MustGather script
  -u, --update           Check for MustGather updates

Global Flags:
      --accept-license     Accept the license
  -c, --config string      Config file location (default "~/.aiopsctl.yaml")
  -l, --log-file string    Log filename, set to stdout to print to console
      --show-secrets       Allow the display of secrets in output
  -v, --verbose            Verbose logging
      --wait-timeout int   Wait timeout for services to come ready in minutes (default 180)