Error messages

Error messages provide information about problems that occur while running the probe. You can use the information that they contain to resolve such problems.

The following table describes the error messages specific to this probe. For information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus error messages, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 1. Error messages




The acknowledge_alarms failed for the following alarms : alarm_id: alarm_id, reason: reason, failureCategory: failure_category

The probe could not acknowledge the alarm for the reason stated in the message.

Address the exception reported, and resubmit the acknowledgeAlarm command.

The acknowledge_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

The alarm id information received is not valid

The probe could not acknowledge the alarm because the ID that you specified is not valid.

Check the alarm ID, and resubmit the acknowledgeAlarm command.

The acknowledge_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to acknowledge an alarm.

Check the ID of the alarm that you want to acknowledge, and make sure you have specified valid values in the SystemID and UserID properties.

There are several SubscriptionIds still active, which are results of previous subscribe operations performed by this IRPManager.

SubscriptionId : subscription_id

There is more than one subscription currently active.

Use the cleanupSubscription command to remove the superfluous subscriptions.

Exception raised while calling 'get_subscription_status' :

This indicates that the specified SubscriptionId is invalid.

The probe could not display the details of the subscription because the subscription ID specified is not valid.

Check the subscription ID, and resubmit the getSubscriptionStatus command.

Exception raised while calling 'get_subscription_status' :

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to display the status of a subscription.

Check the ID of the subscription whose status details you want to display, and make sure you have specified the correct value in the ManagerIdentifier property.

The command received via the CLI is trying to detach the probe's current subscription.

Aborting the operation otherwise the probe won't receive any events anymore.

The subscription ID specified by the cleanupSubscription command is that of the current subscription.

Check the subscription ID, and resubmit the cleanupSubscription command to detach a subscription that is not currently being used by the probe.

The probe doesn't know the 'managerReference' value for this subscriptionId. It is therefore unable to detach the subscription.

The subscription specified by the cleanupSubscription command does exist on the manager specified by the ManagerIdentifier property.

Check the value specified by the ManagerIdentifier property, and resubmit the cleanupSubscription command.

The detach failed with the following exception : exception_description

This indicates that one of the parameters was invalid.

The probe could not detach the subscription specified by the command line interface.

Check the value specified by the ManagerIdentifier property and the ID of the subscription that you are detaching, and resubmit the cleanupSubscription command.

The detach failed with the following exception : exception_description

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to unsubscribe from an object.

Check the ID of the subscription from which you wanted to detach, and make sure you have specified the correct value in the ManagerIdentifier property.

The clear_alarms failed for the following alarms : alarm_id: alarm_id, reason: reason

The probe could not clear the alarm for the reason stated in the message.

Address the exception reported, and resubmit the clearAlarm command.

The clear_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

The alarm id information received is not valid.

The probe could not clear the alarm because the ID that you specified is not valid.

Check the alarm ID, and resubmit the clearAlarm command.

The clear_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to clear an alarm.

Check the ID of the alarm that you want to clear, and make sure you have specified valid values in the SystemID and UserID properties.

We never found the end of the comment. Syntax of the command is incorrect

The comment portion of the commentAlarms command contains whitespace, which prevents the probe from being to determine the where the comment ends and the first alarm ID starts.

Resubmit the commentAlarms command, but put the comment portion of the command inside double quotation marks.

The comment_alarms failed for the following alarms : => alarm_id: alarm_id, reason: reason)

The probe could not add the comment to the the alarm for the reason stated in the message.

Address the exception reported, and resubmit the commentAlarms command.

The comment_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

The alarm id information received is not valid.

The probe could not add the comment to the alarm because the ID that you specified is not valid.

Check the alarm ID, and resubmit the commentAlarms command.

The comment_alarms failed with the following exception : exception_description

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to add a comment an alarm.

Check the ID of the alarm to which you wanted to add an alarm, and make sure you have specified valid values in the SystemID and UserID properties.

exception_description exception raised while calling 'get_alarm_list'

Invalid filter or base object, calling 'get_alarm_list' with empty parameters

The probe could not use the filter that you specified with the ResyncFilter property or the ResyncBaseObjectFilter property.

Check the values that you specified in the filtering properties. For details about the values that you can specify, see Filtering alarms.

exception_description exception raised while calling 'get_alarm_list'

Chances are you interrupted a previous resynchronization request, and the previous one is not finished yet

Carrying on for now.

You requested a resynchronization operation while the probe was already performing one.

Wait until the current resynchronization operation has completed before submitting a request for the probe to perform another.

'ResyncBaseObjectFilter' property value is invalid property_value

Overwritting it to \"\" (empty string)

The probe could not use the filter that you specified with the ResyncBaseObjectFilter property. The property will instead return the alarms generated by all objects.

Check the value that you specified in theResyncBaseObjectFilter property. For details about the values that you can specify, see Filtering alarms.

No encrypted 'FTPPassword' specified, the command will probably not work

You did not specify a password for the FTP command.

Specify a password, encrypted by nco_g_crypt, using the FtpPassword property. The probe inserts this password into the FTP command specified by the EPIRPFtpCommand property.

Unable to FTP the IOR, please check if the command is valid

The probe could not perform the FTP command.

Check the value that you specified using the EPIRPFtpCommand property. For details about the format of the FTP command, see Using FTP to access the EPIRP object IOR file.

'AgentHeartbeat' value does not belong to the accepted range (15mn-1440mn)

Overwriting its value to 15mn

The value specified for the AgentHeartbeat property is not valid.

Change the value specified for the AgentHeartbeat property. Valid values are between 15 and 1440 inclusive.

Exception raised while calling 'attach_push': exception_description

This indicates the manager_reference parameter is empty or invalid.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to subscribe to an object because the value set for the ManagerReference property is not valid or no value has been set for the property.

Check the value set for the ManagerReference property, and restart the probe.

Exception raised while calling 'attach_push': exception_description

This indicates the manager_reference is already subscribed to the notification category.

The probe attempted to subscribe to a notification category to which it is already subscribed.

Use the cleanupSubscription command to remove any superfluous notification.

Exception raised while calling 'attach_push': exception_description

This indicates one or more of the notification categories is already supported.

The probe attempted to subscribe to a notification category to which it is already subscribed.

Use the cleanupSubscription command to remove any superfluous notification.

Exception raised while calling 'attach_push': exception_description

This indicates a generic software error.

An error occurred while the probe was attempting to subscribe to a notification category.

Use the cleanupSubscription command to remove any superfluous notification.

createTopicConnection with details ( user: xxxxx, passw: xxxxx) failed : org.jboss.jms.exception. MessagingNetwork FailureException

The probe cannot connect to the JMS.

Check that the user name and password are set correctly. If they are correct, check whether or not the SAM server has suspended the user name and password - the server will suspend a user name if it has been inactive for a set amount of time.

Sleeping until receiving the SAM server's data

When the probe starts, it connects to the SAM server using an HTTP connection on port 8080 and receives the resynchronization alarms. After resynchronization, the probe tries to connect to the JMS using port 1099. If the probe does not receive the SystemInfoEvent from the Alcatel SAM server through the JMS connection, the probe writes this sleeping message to the log file.

When the probe has written this message, it waits to receive the SystemInfoEvent for the time specified by the AliveTimeout property. When this time has elapsed, if the probe has still not received the SystemInfoEvent, it shuts down.

To instruct the probe to wait longer to receive the SystemInfoEvent before shutting down, increase the value set for the AliveTimeout property.