Running the probe under process agent control
The probe can be run under process agent (PA) control. You can control how the process agent interacts with the probe using the PA configuration file.
The default location of the PA configuration file (nco_pa.conf) is %NCHOME%\omnibus\etc on Windows operating systems and $NCHOME/omnibus/etc on UNIX and Linux operation systems.
- In the nco_pa.conf file, ensure the current working directory (CWD) is
pointing to the path where the welcsnsprobe.dll file is located:
On UNIX and Linux operating systems, this will be:
Command '$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_probename' run as 0
On Windows operating systems, this will be:
Command '[CWD=C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32]%OMNIHOME%\probes\win32\nco_p_nonnative.exe nco_p_probename.exe' run as 0
Where nco_p_probename is the probe executable as listed in the Summary table of the probe's reference guide.
Note: For Windows, the CWD must be specified using square brackets and without spaces. - Ensure the ObjectServer is not already started if you plan to run the ObjectServer under PA control.
- Manually start a process agent:
On UNIX and Linux operating systems, run the following command on the host:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_pad -name process_agent
On Windows operating systems, run the following command on the host:
%OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_pad -name process_agent
Where process_agent is the name of the process agent as defined in the Netcool/OMNIbus Server Editor (for UNIX or Linux) or in the %NCHOME%\ini\sql.ini file (for Windows).
- Display the service status of the process agents that you have configured:
On UNIX and Linux operating systems, run the following command:
On Windows operating systems, run the following command:
Note: You will need to enter your Windows password.
Example UNIX and Linux Configuration
The following example is from the Process Agent configuration file that you would use to run the ObjectServer and Standard Input Probe (nco_p_stdin) under process agent control.
# List of processes
nco_process 'MasterObjectServer'
Command '$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_objserv -name NCOMS -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'StandardInputProbe'
Command '$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_stdin' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
# List of Services
nco_service 'Core'
ServiceType = Master
ServiceStart = Auto
process 'MasterObjectServer' NONE
process 'StandardInputProbe' 'MasterObjectServer'
host 'host_ip' 'NCO_PA' 'user' 'password'
nco_process 'ProbeName'
Command '$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_probename' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
Example Windows Configuration
The following example is from the PA configuration file that you would use to run the ObjectServer and the Probe for Windows Event Log (nco_p_wineventlog.exe) under process agent control.
# List of processes
nco_process 'MasterObjectServer'
Command '%OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_objserv -name NCOMS -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'WineventlogProbe'
Command '[CWD=C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32]
nco_p_wineventlog.exe' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
# List of Services
nco_service 'Core'
ServiceType = Master
ServiceStart = Auto
process 'MasterObjectServer' NONE
process 'WineventlogProbe' 'MasterObjectServer'
host 'host_ip' 'NCO_PA' 'user' 'password'
nco_process 'ProbeName'
Command '[CWD=C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32]
nco_p_probename.exe' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE