Encrypting the email account password
You must encrypt the password that the probe uses to connect to the email account and specify it in encrypted format in the properties file.
To encrypt the password using the nco_g_crypt utility, run the following command:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_crypt password
where password is the password required to access the email account.
After you have encrypted the email account password, specify the value of the Password property as the encrypted string generated by the nco_g_crypt utility.
Note: When you run the probe, the probe takes
the encrypted password from the properties file and decrypts it before
logging in to the email account. Once it is decrypted, the password
is equivalent to a plaintext password. This means that the probe can
only connect to the email account when the use of a plaintext password
is enabled on the mail server. If the use of a plaintext password
is disabled on the mail server, the probe will not be able to connect
to the email account.