
The probe breaks event data down into tokens and parses them into elements. Elements are used to assign values to ObjectServer fields; the field values contain the event details in a form that the ObjectServer understands.

During installation of the probe, several rules files are installed in addition to the main message_bus.rules file. Specific rules for the Probe Integration for Nokia NSP are contained in the message_bus_nokia_nfmp.rules file.

Resync elements

The following elements are generated from Nokia NSP resync events:

Table 1. Resynch elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates whether this is a resync event.


This element shows the original severity of the alarm.


This element shows the last time at which the alarm was acknowledged.


This element displays the IP address of the network element to which the alarm applies.


This element indicates whether the alarm has been acknowledged.


This element displays an text added to the alarm by the user.


This element displays the source system to which the alarm applies.


This element shows any additional text related to the alarm.


This element displays the network ID of the object affected.


This element displays the name of the user who acknowledged the alarm.


This element shows the last time at which the alarm was last cleared.


This element displays the name of the network element to which the alarm applies.


This element displays the name of the user who deleted the alarm.


This element shows the probable cause of the alarm.


This element shows the time at which the alarm was first detected.


This element displays the administration state of the alarm.


This element shows the root cause of the alarm.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was acknowledged.


This element shows the time offset of the node.


This element displays the severity of the alarm.


This element displays the name of the object affected.


This element displays the name of the user who cleared the alarm.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred.


This element indicates whether the problem reported is affecting service.


This element indicates the impact of the alarm.


This element indicates whether the alarm has been cleared implicitly.


This element displays the name of the alarm.


This element indicates whether the alarm was acknowledged.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was cleared.


This element displays the full name of the object affected by the alarm.


This element shows the previous severity of the alarm.


This element shows the highest severity that has been reported for this alarm.


This element displays the type of the object affected.


This element displays the fully distinguished name of the object affected.


This element displays the type of the alarm.


This element indicates the specific problem being reported.


This element indicates the type of the alarm source.


This element shows the time at which the severity last changed.


This element shows the time at which the alarm was last detected.

Notification elements

The following elements are generated from Nokia NSP notification events:

Table 2. Notification elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates whether this is a resync event.


This element indicates whether the alarm has been acknowledged.


This element displays the name of the user who acknowledged the alarm.


This element displays the source system to which the alarm applies.


This element shows the previous severity of the alarm.


This element displays the fully distinguished name of the object.


This element shows any additional text related to the alarm.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was cleared.


This element displays the type of the object affected.


This element indicates whether the alarm has been cleared implicitly.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred.


This element displays the name of the alarm.


This element indicates whether the problem reported is affecting service.


This element displays the severity of the alarm.


This element shows the time at which the severity was first detected.


This element shows the probable cause of the alarm.


This element displays the name of the object affected.


This element displays the network ID of the object affected.


This element displays the time of the event.


This element displays the name of the user who cleared the alarm.


This element shows the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was acknowledged.


This element shows the time at which the alarm was last detected.


This element indicates the type of the alarm source.


This element shows the root cause of the alarm.


This element shows the original severity of the alarm.


This element indicates the specific problem being reported.


This element displays the IP address of the network element to which the alarm applies.


This element indicates whether the alarm was acknowledged.


This element displays the full name of the object affected by the alarm.


This element shows the time offset of the node.


This element displays the name of the network element to which the alarm applies.


This element shows the time at which the severity last changed.


This element shows the highest severity that has been reported for this alarm.


This element shows the last time at which the alarm was last cleared.


This element shows the last time at which the alarm was acknowledged.


This element displays the administration state of the alarm.


This element displays the type of the alarm.


This element displays an text added to the alarm by the user.

Notification alarm change elements

The following elements are generated from Nokia NSP notification alarm change events:

Table 3. Notification alarm change elements

Element name

Element description


This element indicates whether this is a resync event.


If the number of times that the alarm has occurred has changed, this element shows the old value reported.


If the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was cleared has changed, this element shows the old value reported.


If the time at which the alarm was last detected has changed, this element shows the old value reported.


If the time at which the alarm was last detected has changed, this element shows the new value reported.


This element displays the fully distinguished name of the object.


This element displays the time of the event.


If the number of times that the alarm has occurred since it was cleared has changed, this element shows the new value reported.


If the number of times that the alarm has occurred has changed, this element shows the new value reported.