Deprecated and removed functions

Frequent updates to the product and changes in technology require that some function is deprecated or removed from support. See the following sections for definitions of stabilized, deprecated, and removed function and tables that identify items from these categories.

Deprecated functions

A deprecated item is supported, but no longer recommended for use and might become obsolete. Consider the alternative actions in the Recommended action and details that are provided in the following table:

Table. Deprecated function
Product or category Affected item Status Version Recommended action More details and links
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Infrastructure Automation - Infrastructure Management Deprecated 3.6.0 No change in version 3.6.0 Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) might be removed as a supported platform for Infrastructure Management in a future release.
Advanced Content Runtime Infrastructure Automation - Managed services Deprecated 3.3.0 No change in version 3.6.0 Advanced Content Runtime might be removed in a future release. If removed from Infrastructure Management, you will need to import Advanced Content Runtime templates yourself.
PostgreSQL 10 (Infrastructure Automation) Infrastructure Automation - Infrastructure Management Deprecated 3.6.0 Upgrade to PostgreSQL 13
GitOps IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps Deprecated 4.4.0 No change in version 4.4.0 Support for using the IBM GitOps repository method to install IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Natural language log anomaly detection algorithm IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps Deprecated 4.4.0 Use log anomaly detection - golden signals As a replacement, use log anomaly detection - golden signals.
Statistical baseline log anomaly detection algorithm IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps Deprecated 4.4.0 Use log anomaly detection - golden signals As a replacement, use log anomaly detection - golden signals.

Removed functions

A removed item is typically function that was deprecated in previous releases and is no longer available in the product. You must use alternative features as a replacement for the removed function. Consider the alternative actions in the Replacement and details that are provided in the following table:

Table. Removed function
Product or category Affected item Version Replacement More details and links
GitOps IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.5.0 Use one of the other options in Installing. Support for using the IBM GitOps repository method to install IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps is removed.
Kubernetes integration (connector) and documentation IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.1.0 Configure a Kubernetes observer job as a replacement.
VMWare integration (connector) and documentation IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.1.0 Configure a VMware NSX observer job or VMware vCenter observer job as a replacement.
Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform 4.8 IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 3.7.1 Use Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 or 4.12 Supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.2.0 Use Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 Supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.4.1 Use Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12, 4.13, or 4.14 Supported Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform versions
GitHub integration (connector) Integrations 3.6.0 -- --
IBM Cloud Pak CLI (cloudctl) IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, for offline install and upgrade 3.6.0 Use the ibm-pak plugin for the OpenShift oc CLI tool instead of cloudctl commands. Install and upgrade instructions for offline deployments now use oc ibm-pak commands instead of cloudctl commands.
Event Manager Gateway IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps and IBM Netcool Operations Insight deployment scenario 3.6.0 Use the Netcool integration (connector) Installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps with IBM Netcool Operations Insight or on-premises Netcool Operations Insight in version 3.6.0
Log display support Infrastructure Management 3.6.0 -- Log display support on the UI is removed
Terraform 0.11.15 Infrastructure Automation - Managed services 3.6.0 -- You might be able to still use Terraform 0.11.15, but you will need to upload the required engine, providers, or content yourself.
Terraform 0.12.31 Infrastructure Automation - Managed services Deprecated 3.7.0 No change in version 3.7.0
Terraform 0.13.7 Infrastructure Automation - Managed services Deprecated 3.7.0 No change in version 3.7.0
Terraform 0.14.11 Infrastructure Automation - Managed services Deprecated 3.7.0 No change in version 3.7.0
Terraform 1.1.9 Infrastructure Automation - Managed services Deprecated 3.7.0 No change in version 3.7.0
New installs - certificates provided by IBM Automation foundation IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps and Infrastructure Automation 4.1.0 Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster certificates or user created custom certificates What's new - install and upgrade in version 4.1.0
User interface using a different storage class IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.1.0
Infrastructure Automation Configure Network option from appliance_console tool 4.5.0 Use the command line to configure networking To configure networking with the command line, nmtui is available for a text user interface or nmcli for scripting. Networking can also be configured through the Cockpit Web interface (https://:9090) as a root user.