Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.

The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For more information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 1. Properties and command line options

Property name

Command line option


GetIpStatus integer

-getipstatus integer

Use this property to specify whether the probe generates the ipStatus element. This element contains the status of the device that generated the trap:

0: The probe does not generate ipStatus elements.

1: The probe generates ipStatus elements.

The default is 0.

Note: For this functionality to work, the probe must be installed on the same host as the IBM Tivoli NetView system.

Heartbeat integer

-heartbeat integer

Use this property to specify the interval (in seconds) at which the probe sends a ProbeWatch message to the ObjectServer.

The default is 60.

Note: Setting this property to 0 disables the heartbeat functionality.

Japanese integer

-japanese integer

Use this property to specify whether the probe displays Kanji characters (Chinese characters used in Japanese writing) in raw token format:

0: The probe does not display Kanji characters in raw token format.

1: The probe displays Kanji characters in raw token format.

The default is 0.

Note: If Kanji characters are expected in the data stream, you must set this property to 1.

NoName Resolution integer

-nonameresolution (equivalent to NoNameResolution with a value of 1)

Use this property to specify whether the probe performs name resolution on IP addresses:

0: The probe performs name resolution.

1: The probe does not perform name resolution.

The default is 0.

SeqNumFile string

-seqnumfile string

Use this property to specify the path to the log file that the probe uses to record the number of times plus one that it has been started.

The default is $OMNIHOME/var/num_run_seq.

SNMPMode integer

-V1(equivalent to SNMPMode with a value of 0)

-V2 (equivalent to SNMPMode with a value of 1)

Use this property to specify whether the probe receives traps from the network node manage in V1 or V2c format:

0: The probe receives traps in V1 format.

1: The probe receives traps in V2c format.

The default is 0.

OVAPIDebug integer

-ovapidebug integer

Use this property to specify the level to which the probe sets the NetView API debug.

The default is 0.

Note: In most cases you should not need to change the value of this property.