Error messages

Error messages provide information about problems that occur while running the probe. You can use the information that they contain to resolve such problems.

The following table describes the error messages specific to this probe. For information about generic error messages, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide (SC14-7530).

Table 1. Error messages




Could not remove leading and trailing spaces from element

Failed to initialize buffer

Failed to initialize line buffer

Failed to remove leading and trailing spaces from element

This is an internal error.

Make more memory available. If the problem persists, refer to your support contract for more information about contacting the help desk.

Failed to read from socket

This is an internal error.

Check the connectivity between the probe and the device.

Date stamp not in recognized format

The property value received did not match the date stamp format expected.

Ensure that the date stamp adheres to the format specified.

Failed to connect to ObjectServer - aborting

The ObjectServer appears to be unavailable.

Check that the ObjectServer is running. Check that the interfaces file on the system where the probe is installed has an entry for it. Check that there is no networking problem between the Huawei server and the ObjectServer.

Failed to read from socket - disconnecting

There is a problem with your network or Huawei M2000 MML.

Check the network connectivity between the probe and the Huawei M2000 MML interface.

Failed to send 'Running ...' ProbeWatch message reason

The probe failed to send the ProbeWatch message to the ObjectServer.

Check the network connectivity and check that the ObjectServer is running correctly.

Failed to translate date stamp into UTC

The probe was unable to translate the TIME token into UTC format. There may be a problem with the format of the alarm; the incoming data stream may be corrupt.

Check that the Huawei M2000 MML is running correctly. Check the connection to the MML interface.

Memory allocation error

The probe has insufficient memory.

Make more memory available.

Message is too long for buffer - truncating

Unable to allocate memory for the buffer that contains the event being read. This caused the probe to terminate.

Refer to your support contract for more information about contacting the help desk.

Socket read timeout has occurred

The probe could not read from the socket within the time specified by the ReadTimeout property.

Check the network connection. If the connectivity is slow, increase the ReadTimeout property value.