Comparison of probe features

All probes have some features in common, others are specific to the generic probe or to one of the existing, product-specific probes.

Common features

The following features are common to all the TMF814 probes:

Table 1. Features common to all TMF814 probes
Functional category Features

Connecting to the CORBA interface

Connect through an IOR file.

Connect through a Naming Service host and port.

Connect through a Naming Service IOR file.


Retrieve alarms from the system on startup before receiving new alarms.

Retrieve alarms using a severity filter.

Retrieve alarms in batches.

Data acquisition

Authentication with the NMS or EMS using a username and password.

Ability to receive alarms and notifications.

Heartbeat status check.

Inactivity timeout.

Reconnection and probe backoff.

Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters.

Features specific to the Generic Probe for TMF814

The Generic Probe for TMF814 has the following additional features that are not present in one or more of the product-specific probes:

Resynchronization with a probable cause filter

All TMF814 probes provide a means of resynchronizing with the NMS or EMS using a severity filter. In addition, the generic probe can use a probable cause filter when retrieving alarms, specified by the ResyncProbableCauseFilter. Alarm retrieval and synchronization has more information on resynchronization and the use of filters.

Resynchronization at intervals

In addition to the initial resynchronization with the NMS or EMS, the generic probe also has the ability to resynchronize at regular intervals, specified by the ResyncInterval property. Alarm retrieval and synchronization has more information on resynchronization at intervals.

Data stream capture

The generic probe can capture the stream of binary data and store it in a file specified by the StreamCapture and StreamCaptureFilePath properties. The data can then be used for debugging purposes, to develop new features, or to pass on to other management systems that require the same data. Data stream capture has more information on data stream capture.

HTTP/HTTPS command interface

For sites that use Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 and later, the generic probe has a HTTP/HTTPS command interface. This enables you to send commands to the probe in JSON over a HTTP or HTTPS connection. Commands are available to acknowledge and clear alarms, and perform a resynchronization. Managing the probe over an HTTP/HTTPS connection has more information on the interface, how to configure it, and the format of the commands. There are also examples of each command.

Features not available in the Generic Probe for TMF814

The Probe for Huawei T2000 (CORBA) has a number of features that are not currently available in the generic probe:

  • Event synchronization with the ObjectServer
  • EMS Server failover
  • Persistence notification

Before deploying the Generic Probe for TMF814 ensure that you do not require any of these features.