The probe cannot be run as a Windows service

The probe cannot be run as a Windows service. As an alternative, you can use a Netcool/OMNIbus process agent (PA) to manage the probe. Process agents can be run as Windows services.

If you use a PA to manage the probe, you must include the current working directory (CWD) of the probe executable in the PA configuration file (nco_pa.conf). In this case, the startup batch file is not used to start the probe.

The default location of the PA configuration file is %NCHOME%\omnibus\etc.

Use the following steps to configure and run the PA:
  1. Edit nco_pa.conf to include the following directory path entry:
    nco_p_nonnative.exe nco_p_scom2016.exe' run as 0.
    Note: The CWD entry must be contained within square brackets and must not contain any spaces.
  2. If you are running the ObjectServer under PA control along with the probe, ensure that it is stopped before performing the next step.
  3. To start the PA, use the following command at the command prompt on the host machine:

    %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_pad -name process_agent -authenticate WINDOWS

    where process_agent is the name of the PA as defined in the Netcool/OMNIbus Server Editor file (%NCHOME%\ini\sql.ini).

You can monitor the status of the PA and shut it down from the command line. Using the following commands will require you to enter your Windows user account password:
  • To display the service status of the PA, use the following command:

    %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_pa_status -server process_agent -user username

  • To shutdown the PA, use the following command:

    %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_pa_shutdown -server process_agent -user username

For more information about using process agents, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide (SC14-7605).

For more information about installing and configuring process agents as Windows services, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide (SC14-7604).

Example PA configuration file

The following is an example PA configuration file that runs the ObjectServer and the probe:
# List of processes
nco_process 'MasterObjectServer'
Command '%OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_objserv -name NCOMS -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'SCOM2016Probe'
Command '[CWD=%OMNIHOME%\probes\win32]%OMNIHOME%\probes\
win32\nco_p_nonnative.exe nco_p_scom2016.exe' run as 0
Host = 'host_ip'
Managed = True
RestartMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
AlertMsg = '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
# List of Services
nco_service 'Core'
ServiceType = Master
ServiceStart = Auto
process 'MasterObjectServer' NONE
process 'SCOM2016Probe' 'MasterObjectServer'
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for SCOM 2016
host 'host_ip' 'NCO_PA' 'user' 'password'