Probe Event Enrichment Rules

The default enrichment rules are compatible with the Probe for ALU SAM V13 and V14 developed for IBM Tivoli Network Manager 4.1.1 or newer. Default enrichment rules which sets the LocalPriObj, NMosEventMap, LocalNodeAlias, RemoteNodeAlias for alarms to be enriched depending on the type of event map to be used.

A rules file specific to the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM v13 JMS will be included in the Probe Extension Package guide. For details, see IBM Documentation:

To use the rules files:

  1. Download and install the Probe Extension package.
  2. Edit the main probes rules files to uncomment the include statement to the event enrichment file. Update the file path of the enrichment file, for example include:


    Users may customize this rules files to support more alarms for enrichment.