IBM WebSphere MQ

The Message Bus Probe can be configured to integrate with IBM WebSphere MQ.

Configuring the Message Bus Probe

The following configuration files are supplied with the probe for the integration with the Message Bus server:
  • message_bus.props

To configure the Message Bus Probe to consume new events from IBM WebSphere, use the following steps:

  1. Install/update the Message Bus Probe using IBM Installation Manager, see Installing probes.
  2. Configure the properties in the message_bus.props file.

    Example values:

    PropsFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32\message_bus.props'
    RulesFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\probes\win32\message_bus.rules'
    TransportType : 'JMS'
    TransportFile : 'C:\IBM\Tivoli\Netcool\omnibus\java\conf\'
    TransformerFile: '/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/java/conf/transformers.xml'  
    MessagePayload: 'xml'
  3. Configure the JMS transport properties in the file.

    Example values:

    providerURL=file:$OMNIHOME/java/conf/mqseries #Directory containing .bindings file copied from MQ
    Note: The user must have the relevant permissions on the MQ side to read from a channel. The details of the Queue and the Queue Connection Factory can be obtained by the MQ Series Administrator.
  4. Copy the .bindings file that MQ series uses to store information about Queues and Connection factories to the OMNIbus install machine.
  5. Copy the jar files from MQInsallationDir/java/lib in the MQ series installation to the OMNIbus server.
  6. Include the path to the jar files in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
  7. Start the probe.

The following extract from the Message Bus Probe log shows an example of a successful connection:

2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Looking for transport type: JMS
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Looking for transport module class:
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Found transport class - instantiating
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Setting properties on class
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : queueName = 'omnibus'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : queueConnectionFactory = 'omnibusQCF'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : password = 'netcool'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : providerURL = 'file:/opt/Omnibus731/netcool/omnibus/java/conf/mqseries'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : initialContextFactory = 'com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Transport property : username = 'mqmuser'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Creating initial context class using 'com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory' and 'file:/opt/Omnibus731/netcool/omnibus/java/conf/mqseries'
2014-04-30T08:15:28: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Looking up 'omnibusQCF' in JNDI
2014-04-30T08:15:29: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Creating queue connection using username 'mqmuser' and password 'netcool'
2014-04-30T08:15:29: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Creating queue session
2014-04-30T08:15:30: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Looking up omnibus in JNDI
2014-04-30T08:15:30: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Creating queue subscriber on queue: omnibus
2014-04-30T08:15:30: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Starting message receiver
2014-04-30T08:15:30: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: (Non-encrypted property) Inactivity-> 600
2014-04-30T08:15:30: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: (Non-encrypted property) ConnectionCheckInterval-> 60
2014-04-30T08:16:30: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Checking connection status
2014-04-30T08:16:30: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Connection status OK 

Password encryption

For password encryption, use the following steps:

  1. Create a probe keyfile:

    $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_keygen -o probe.keyfile -l 256
  2. Encrypt the password:

    $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_aes_crypt -c AES_FIPS -k probe.keyfile

    Set the following values in the probe properties file :

    ConfigKeyFile: '/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/java/jars/MQ/probe.keyfile' << path of the keyfile generated from step 1 above.
    ConfigCryptoAlg: 'AES_FIPS' >> which Algorithm to use
  3. Set the following values in the file: