Installing the IBM Netcool Event Integrations Operator and common probe configuration steps
This topic describes how to install the IBM Netcool Event Integrations Operator which contains the probes you will need to connect to, and acquire event data from, event sources. It also describes how to gather the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps ObjectServer connection information that the individual probe installations require.
- 1. Install the IBM Netcool Event Integrations Operator
- 2. Gather IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps ObjectServer connection information
1. Install the IBM Netcool Event Integrations Operator
Install the IBM® Netcool® Operations Insight® Event Integrations Operator.
- For more information, see Installing the IBM Netcool Operations Insight Event Integrations Operator but skip the Install Netcool Operations Insight step.
- Or see Installing the IBM Netcool Operations Insight Event Integrations Operator to a private container registry.
2. Gather IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps ObjectServer connection information
Before you configure the probe and connect to the ObjectServer, you need to gather the following information:
- Primary and backup ObjectServer service name and port
- ObjectServer client credentials
- TLS certificate used by the ObjectServer
In the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, the ObjectServer is deployed by the issue resolution core component. Complete the following instructions to get the ObjectServer connection details.
Set the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps namespace variable to the namespace where IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps is installed.
Determine the issue resolution core instance name.
IRC_INSTANCE=$(oc get issueresolutioncore -n $IRC_NAMESPACE -o --no-headers)
Run the following commands to gather service information and credentials.
IRC_PRIMARY_OBJECTSERVER_SVC=$IRC_INSTANCE-ir-core-ncoprimary IRC_BACKUP_OBJECTSERVER_SVC=$IRC_INSTANCE-ir-core-ncobackup IRC_PRIMARY_OBJECTSERVER_PORT=$(oc get svc -n $IRC_NAMESPACE $IRC_PRIMARY_OBJECTSERVER_SVC -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("primary-tds-port")].port}') IRC_BACKUP_OBJECTSERVER_PORT=$(oc get svc -n $IRC_NAMESPACE $IRC_BACKUP_OBJECTSERVER_SVC -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("backup-tds-port")].port}') IRC_OMNI_USERNAME=aiopsprobe IRC_OMNI_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret -n $IRC_NAMESPACE $IRC_INSTANCE-ir-core-omni-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.OMNIBUS_PROBE_PASSWORD}' | base64 --decode && echo)
Extract the ObjectServer TLS certificate from the secret into your current directory. This file is used when creating a secret for the probe to connect with the ObjectServer in the following sections.
oc extract secret/$IRC_INSTANCE-ir-core-ncoprimary-tls -n $IRC_NAMESPACE --to=. --keys=tls.crt
Proceed to install the probe.