Configuring Microsoft Teams application for integration
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps supports a direct integration to your enterprise Microsoft Teams installation.
To complete your Microsoft Teams integration in IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, you need to obtain these credentials:
- A Microsoft Azure account with the ability to create an Azure Bot and client secrets for your bot
- A Microsoft Teams account that you can create channels and add applications to
For more information about completing your Microsoft Teams integration, see Creating a Microsoft Teams integration.
Configuring Microsoft Teams
For a Microsoft Teams application integration, you must
1. Create an Azure bot resource
- Log in to your Microsoft Azure home page
- Click Create a resource.
- In the Create a resource search box, enter Azure Bot and select it from the list of available resources.
- On the Azure Bot page, click Create.
- When the create page opens, give the bot a name in the Bot handle field. This handle is used for tracking in Azure.
- Next, from the dropdown menus, select a valid Subscription and Resource group.
- In Type of app, select Multi Tenant.
- At the bottom of the page, click Next: Tags >.
- On the next page, enter any tags that you want to add in the Tags tab or skip and click Review+create tab.
- Your submitted configuration is now validated and you can click the Create button.
The Azure Bot resource is now created. If you return to the Microsoft Azure home page, you see that the new Azure Bot resource is in the Recent resources section.
After creating and validating the Azure Bot resource, a notification appears about the deployment status. Click the notification Deployment in progress... to view the status of the resource, then Go to resource from the notification to manage your new resource.
2. Enable Teams communication
Retrieve the Azure Bot resource by going to the Microsoft Azure home page and clicking the Recent resources section. Alternatively, find the resource by entering the Azure Bot handle of the resource into the search box. Then, complete these steps:
- From the resource page, click Settings. Go to the Configuration section.
- Click Channels.
- In the Add a featured channel section, click the Microsoft Teams icon. The Configure Microsoft Teams page opens.
- Click Save, then accept the Terms of Service and click Agree.
The Azure Bot is now ready to connect to Microsoft Teams but before you implement the Azure Bot you must obtain the remaining information for your Microsoft Teams integration in IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps.
3. Acquire integration credentials
Retrieve the credentials of the Azure Bot resource by going to the Microsoft Azure home page and clicking the Recent resources section. Alternatively, find the resource by entering the Azure Bot handle of the resource into the search box.
From the resource page, then click Settings to access each of the credentials
- Microsoft App ID: Click Configuration > Microsoft App ID
- Client Secret: Click Configuration > Microsoft App ID. Click Manage > New client secret. (Note: This information is viewable only once, so make sure you copy the actual secret and not the ID.)
Proactive & Reactive Channel IDs: The instructions for both are the same, just with two different channels:
Log in to Microsoft Teams.
Click the options icon (three horizontal dots) next to the channel name for the channel that you want to use for your integration (proactive or reactive). Click Get link to the channel.
The channel ID is not the entire URL provided by the preceding step. To extract the channel ID from the URL, grab the string between channel/ and the next /.
In this example, the channel ID would be:19%3a7b1d2sldfglkjsdfhg73402d63%40thread.tacv2
Now that you have created your Azure Bot and noted down the credentials, you have the required information for Creating a Microsoft Teams integration.