Deploying Infrastructure Management as a containerized deployment (podified)
Complete these steps to install Infrastructure Management as a containerized deployment.
Note: Before you proceed further, make sure that Cloud Pak for AIOps is installed.
Ensure the following operators for
Infrastructure management
have been
for Infrastructure Management has been installed. For more information, see Infrastructure management.
Ensure IBM Cloud Pak® is setup for LDAP authentication. You need an existing user-group from this LDAP repository to use for the Infrastructure Management deployment.
Deploy the ibm-management-im-install operand
Install an instance of the Infrastructure Management using the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform console or the CLI (command-line tools).
Create an installation instance CR file
using the following yaml file and update theapplicationDomain
and accept license. AddstorageClassName: <storage-Class-Name>
in the create an installation instance CR file<im-install-cr.yaml>
.apiVersion: kind: IMInstall metadata: labels: ibm-infra-management-install-operator ibm-infra-management-install-operator ibm-infra-management-install-operator name: im-iminstall namespace: cp4aiops spec: applicationDomain: <YOUR_IM_HTTPD_ROUTE> imagePullPolicy: Always imagePullSecret: ibm-entitlement-key initialAdminGroupName: <YOUR_LDAP_USER_GROUP> storageClassName: <RWX-storage-class-name> license: accept: true
YOUR_IM_HTTPD_ROUTE is a user-defined route, which must include a name for your installation plus part of your IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps console console's route.
YOUR_LDAP_USER_GROUP is an existing user-group defined in your LDAP repository. As part of the initial setup, this LDAP group is created in Infrastructure Management to match your existing LDAP group by name, and assigned an account role which facilitates SSO login.
RWX-storage-class-name is a storage class name.
Important: You must specify an LDAP user-group and it must contain at least one user that is able to login to the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps console. For example, you have an existing LDAP group that is named group100 and a user with the username user100 is a member of the group. You enter group100 for the value of
. -
ACCEPT LICENSE set the accept value to
to accept the license.
Use the following oc command to obtain the console route and modify it to derive your Infrastructure management route.
oc get -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.domain}'
Example output can resemble the following example:
to the output to create<YOUR_IM_HTTPD_ROUTE>
. For example,
Deploy the installation instance CR YAML using one of the following methods:
Using the CLI login to your OpenShift cluster where Infrastructure Automation is installed. For example,
oc login --token=`<sha256~EUe-BThLn-qRm32K16QDqLMCQZz5VKlM42JKIj2-U7M>` --server=https://`<>`:6443
oc apply -f im-install-cr.yaml
Using the OpenShift Console.
Create an IMInstall instance to deploy Infrastructure management.
- Navigate to Operators > Installed Operators.
- Switch the project to cp4aiops.
- Click IBM Infrastructure Management Install.
- Click Create Instance in the IMInstall tile.
- Switch to YAML view.
- Copy and paste the installation instance yaml created in step 1.
- Click Create.
Verify the pods are running (It can take a few minutes for the pods to start) with the command:
oc get pods -n cp4aiops
The following Infrastructure management pods should be running.
- 1-event-handle-*
- 1-generic-*
- 1-priority-*
- 1-remote-console-*
- 1-reporting-*
- 1-schedule-*
- 1-ui-*
- 1-web-service-*
- httpd-*
- ibm-infra-management-application-*
- memcached-*