Initial resynchronization

Event resynchronization often needs a few request iterations to complete.

The number of each iteration is the ceiling value of the quotient of total event record over the configured page size. For example, if the PageSize property is set to 10, and the total number of records reported in the query is 49, then the probe will need five iterations: for the first four requests, each receives a maximum of 10 records; the last request receives 9 records.

If the first resynchronization request fails, then the probe aborts initial resynchronization, writes an error message to the log file, and then exits.

If the first resynchronization request succeeds, but subsequent requests experience a timeout, the probe retries the same request up to the number specified by the MaxRequestRetry property. Retry will stop after a batch of events is received without waiting for the timeout period to elapse, or when the maximum number of retries is reached. When an event batch fails to appear, the probe aborts initial resynchronization, writes an error message to the log file, and then exits.