Including and ordering data in the resynchronization query
The data to be included in the resynchronization query is specified by the ResyncDataInclusion property and the order in which the events are ordered is specified by the ResyncDataOrder property.
Selecting data to include in the query
You can use the following parameters to configure the ResyncDataInclusion property:
- include_closed
- include_relationships
- include_history
- include_cis
- include_annotations
You can specify more than one parameter by separating each with a comma.
When a parameter is included in the ResyncDataInclusion property, its presence denotes a positive setting. In other words:
When a parameter is excluded from the ResyncDataInclusion property, its absence denotes a negative setting. In other words
Whether a parameter appears in the probe's OMi query or not is subject to the parameter's default setting in the OMi system.
If a parameter's OMi default setting is true, when that parameter is not in ResyncDataInclusion, then the final query will contain "&<parameter>=false".
If a parameter's OMi default setting is true, when that parameter is in ResyncDataInclusion, then the final query will not contain "&<parameter>=true"
If a parameter's OMi default setting is false, when that parameter is not in ResyncDataInclusion, then the final query will not contain "&<parameter>=false".
If a parameter's OMi default setting is false, when that parameter is in ResyncDataInclusion, then the final query will contain "&<parameter>=true"
Specifying the order of the events in the query
The ResyncDataOrder property determines the field by which the data is sorted, and whether it is sorted in ascending or descending order.
in descending