Communicating using REST APIs and Webhook

The Probe for HPE Operations Manager i (OMi) uses the REST API to send HTTP requests or secure HTTPS requests.

The probe uses the REST API to perform the following functions:
  • Request alert resynchronization. This request returns the OprEventList object.
  • Request full message. This request returns the OprEvent object.

The probe uses a Webhook to listen to the OMi event forwarder for alert notifications and updates. From this channel data can come in the following forms:

  • OprEvent
  • OprEventChange
  • OprEventList
  • OprEventChangeList

The List-typed objects are expected only when the OMi event forwarder is enabled with bulk transferring. The bulk configuration is controlled in the OMi system Connected Server instance meant for probe integration.

OprEventList holds a list of OprEvent objects, and OprEventChangeList holds a list of OprEventChange objects.

The key difference between OprEvent objects and OprEventChange objects is that the former contains full information of about the alert, and the latter contains only changed data (such as the time changed and the relevant updates) and referential information about the original alert.

The gap between these objects demands the use of an Event Cache to store the fields from the full originating alert. These fields are used by the probe rules processing to complement those available in the OprEventChangeobject. For details see Event caching.

The alert operations with the target system are configured by the following properties in the file:

Table 1. Transport properties


Transport module properties







For details about these properties, see Configuring the transport module.