Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.

The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For information about common properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 1. Properties and command line options

Property name

Command line option


EnableFailover string

-disenablefailover (This is equivalent to EnableFailover with a value of false.)

-enablefailover (This is equivalent to EnableFailover with a value of true.)

Use this property to specify whether the server failover function between the probe and the primary and secondary EMS servers is enabled or disabled. This property takes the following values:

false: The server failover function between the probe and the EMS servers is disabled.

true: The server failover function between the probe and the EMS servers is enabled.

The default is false.

EnableNotification Caching string

-disablenotification caching (This is equivalent to EnableNotification Caching with a value of false.)

-enablenotification caching (This is equivalent to EnableNotification Caching with a value of true.)

Use this property to control whether notifications are withheld from event parsing during alarm resynchronization. This property takes the following values:

false: Notifications are not withheld from event parsing during alarm resynchronization.

true: Notifications are withheld from event parsing during alarm resynchronization.

The default is false.

Note: If you set the property to true, you can set notification caching thresholds using the NotificationCacheInterval and NotificationCacheSize properties. For details, see Notification caching.

EnableSSL string

-disenablessl (This is equivalent to EnableSSL with a value of false.)

-enablessl (This is equivalent to EnableSSL with a value of true.)

Use this property to specify whether SSL connectivity between the probe and the EMS server is enabled or disabled. This property takes the following values:

false: SSL connectivity between the probe and the EMS server is disabled.

true: SSL connectivity between the probe and the EMS server is enabled.

The default is false.

EncodingStandard string

-encodingstandard string

Use this property to specify the character encoding standard that the probe uses. Possible values for this property are:

ISO-8859-1: This sets the encoding standard to Latin Alphabet 1.

UTF-8: This sets the encoding standard to UTF-8.

The default is: ISO-8859-1

EventSynchronization string

-noeventresynch (This is equivalent to EventSynchronization with a value of false.)

-eventresynch (This is equivalent to EventSynchronization with a value of true.)

Use this property to synchronize the ObjectServer with the EMS. This removes the alarms from the ObjectServer that were cleared in the EMS while the probe was not running. This property takes the following values:

false: The probe does not synchronize with the EMS on startup.

true: The probe synchronizes with the EMS on startup.

The default is false.

IORFile string

-iorfile string

Use this property to specify the path of the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) file used to connect to the target through the CORBA interface. If you do not provide a value for this property, use the NamingContextPath with the NamingServiceHost and NamingServicePort properties or the NamingServiceIORFile property to define the Naming Service to use instead.

The default is "".

KeyStore string

-keystore string

Use this property to specify the location of the keystore file that contains the client certificate for SSL and trusted authority certificate.

The default is "".

KeyStorePassword string

-keystorepassword string

Use this property to specify the password required to access the certificate specified by the Keystore property.

The default is "".

NamingContextPath string

-nspath string

Use this property to specify the location of the object in the Naming Service. If using a Naming Service to connect to the CORBA interface, always set this property.

The default is "".

NamingServiceHost string

-nshost string

Use this property to specify the name of the host that runs the Naming Service. If you do not use the IORFile property define the location of the Naming Service using this property, together with the NamingServicePort and NamingContextPathproperties, or the NamingServiceIORFile and NamingContextPath properties.

The default is: "".

NamingServiceIORFile string

-nsiorfile string

Use this property to specify the location of the IOR file that contains the root context of the Naming Service. If you do not provide a value for the IORFile property, use this property and the NamingContextPath property or the NamingServiceHost, NamingServicePort, and NamingContextPath properties to define the Naming Service to use to obtain the reference to the EmsFactorySession_I object.

The default is: "".

NamingServicePort string

-nsport string

Use this property to specify the port on the host defined by NamingServiceHost through which to connect to the Naming Service. If you do not use the IORFile property, use this property, together with the NamingServiceHost property and NamingContextPath property, or the NamingServiceIORFile and NamingContextPath properties.

The default is: 0.

NotificationCache Interval integer

-notificationcache interval integer

Use this property to specify how long (in seconds) the probe withholds notifications from event parsing during alarm resynchronization. If you set this property to zero, this threshold will not be enabled.

The default is: 0.

Note: This property works in conjunction with the EnableNotificationCaching property.

NotificationCacheSize integer

-notificationcacheszie integer

Use this property specify the number of notifications that the probe withholds from event parsing during alarm resynchronization. If you set this property to zero, this threshold will not be enabled.

The default is: 0.

Note: This property works in conjunction with the EnableNotificationCaching property.

ORBCharEncoding string

-orbcharencoding string

Use this property to specify the native character encoding set that the Object Request Broker (ORB) uses for character data. Possible values for this property are:

  • ISO8859_1
  • UTF8

The default is: ISO8859_1.

ORBDebug string

-noorbdebug (This is equivalent to ORBDebug with a value of false.)

-orbdebug (This is equivalent to ORBDebug with a value of true.)

Use this property to specify whether the probe writes ORB debug messages. This property takes the following values:

false: The probe does not write ORB debug messages to a log file.

true: The probe writes ORB debug messages to the log file specified by the ORBDebugFile property.

The default is false.

ORBDebugFile string

-orbdebugfile string

Use this property to specify the location of the file to which the probe writes ORB debug messages.

The default is "".

ORBLocalHost string

-orblocalhost string

Use this property to specify the local host used by the server-side ORB to place the server's host name or IP address into the IOR of a remote object.

The default is: "".

ORBLocalPort integer

-orblocalport integer

Use this property to specify the local port that the ORB listens on for connections from the probe.

The default is: 0 (the ORB selects a port at random).

ORBWCharDefault string

-orbchardefault string

Use this property to specify the wide character (wchar) set that the IBM® ORB uses when communicating with other ORBs that do not publish a wchar set. Possible values for this property are:

  • UCS2
  • UTF16

The default is: UTF16.

Password string

-password string

Use this property to specify the password of the account to use when logging in to the target system. The password can be in plain text or encrypted using the AES algorithm. Always define a value for this property and the Username property.

The default is: "".

PersistenceIORFile string

-persistenceiorfile string

Use this property to specify the location of the IOR file for the persistence notification service.

The default is: "".

ResyncBatchSize integer

-resyncbatchsize integer

Use this property to specify the maximum number of alarms contained in each batch that the probe receives during a resynchronization operation. The minimum value of this property is 1.

The default is: 100.

ResyncProbableCauseFilter string

-resyncprobablecausefilter string

Use this property to specify a list of probable causes to exclude when the probe resynchronizes with the CORBA interface. Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon. For example:


The default is: "".

ResyncSeverityFilter string

-resyncseverityfilter string

Use this property to specify a list of severities that the probe excludes when resynchronizing with the CORBA interface. Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon. The severity values you can include are:


The default is: "".

SecondaryIORFile string

-seciorfile string

Use this property to specify the location of the IOR file of the secondary EMS server.

The default is "".

SecondaryNamingContext Path string

-secnspath string

Use this property to specify the location of the object of the secondary EMS within the Naming Service.

The default is "".

SecondaryNamingService Host string

-secnshost string

Use this property to specify the Naming Service host name of the secondary EMS server.

The default is "".

SecondaryNamingService IORFile string

-secnsiorfile string

Use this property to specify the location of the interface object of the secondary EMS within the Naming Service.

The default is: "".

SecondaryNamingService Port string

-secnsport string

Use this property to specify the Naming Service port number of the secondary EMS server.

The default is 0 .

SecurityProtocol string

-securityprotocol string

Use this property to specify the security protocol. This property takes the following values:




The default is TLSv1.

Note: For this probe to be compliant with NIST, set this property to TLSv1.2. For further details about NIST compliance, see Making the probe NIST compliant.

StreamCapture integer

-streamcapture integer

Use this property to specify whether the stream capture feature is enabled. The values this property can have are:

1: The probe uses the stream capture feature.

0: The probe does not use the stream capture feature.

The default is: 0.

Note: If you set the value of this property to 1, define a value for the StreamCaptureFilePath property as well.

StreamCaptureFilePath string

-streamcapturefilepath string

Use this property to specify the directory where the probe stores the input data stream.

The default is: "".

See Data stream capture for more information on how to use this property.

Username string

-username string

Use this property to specify the account to use when logging in to the target system. Always define a value for this property and the Password property.

The default is: "".