Properties and command line options
You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.
The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For more information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.
Property name |
Command line option |
Description |
AckUserId string |
-ackuserid string |
Use this property to specify the user ID to use when acknowledging and unacknowledging alarms using the CLI. If you do not use the user_id parameter when acknowledging or unacknowledging an alarm using the CLI, the probe will add the user ID specified by this property to the related log entry. The default is " ". |
AlarmIRPIORFile string |
-alarmirpiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the Alarm IRP IOR file. The default is " ". |
AlarmIRPName string |
-alarmirpname string |
Use this property to specify the name that the probe uses to resolve the AlarmIRP point. The default is AlarmIRP. |
ClearUserId string |
-clearuserid string |
Use this property to specify the user ID to use when clearing alarms using the CLI. If you do not use the user_id parameter when clearing an alarm using the CLI, the probe will add the user ID specified by this property to the related log entry. The default is " ". |
CommentUserId string |
-commentuserid string |
Use this property to specify the user ID to use when adding comments to alarms using the CLI. If you do not use the user_id parameter when commenting on an alarm using the CLI, the probe will add the user ID specified by this property to the related log entry. The default is " ". Note: There is a known issue with comments longer
than one word being logged as the user ID in the probe log file, regardless
of the value of this property. For details, see Known issues.
EnableFailover string |
-enablefailover string |
Use this to enable rotate endpoint for EMS server failover. The default is false. |
EnableSSL string |
-disablessl (This is equivalent to EnableSSL with a value of false.) -enablessl (This is equivalent to EnableSSL with a value of true.) |
Use this property to specify whether SSL connectivity between the probe and the server is enabled or disabled. This property takes the following values: false: SSL connectivity between the probe and the server is disabled. true: SSL connectivity between the probe and the server is enabled. The default is false. |
EncodingStandard string |
-encodingstandard string |
Use this property to specify the encoding required to encode and decode characters in events. Specify a value of UTF8 for this property to enable the probe to receive events in languages that use multibyte characters, such as Chinese or Japanese. The default is ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1). |
EntryPointIORFile string |
-entrypointiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the location of the Entry Point IRP IOR file. The default is " ". |
IDLAttrMapFile string |
-idlattrmapfile string |
Use this property to specify the CORBA IDL attributes mapping in an .xml format file. The default is $OMNIHOME/probes/includes/huawei_u2000_3gpp_ RuleElementMap.xml. Note: Replace the default value
with a full path directory file name . Environment variables such
as $OMNIHOME or %OMNIHOME% is not recognized by the probe for this
IrpVersion string |
-Irpvesion string |
Use this property to specify the version identifier required to get the IRP outline. The default is V1.2.0. |
KeyStore string |
-keystore string |
Use this property to specify the location of the keystore file that contains the client certificate for SSL and trusted authority certificate. The default is "". |
KeyStorePassword string |
-keystorepassword string |
Use this property to specify the password required to access the certificate defined in the Keystore property. The default is "". Note: You can encrypt the keystore
file password using the encryption utility supplied with Netcool/OMNIbus.
See Encrypting passwords.
ManagerIdentifier string |
-manageridentifier string |
Use this property to specify the name used to get all the IRP references. The default is " ". |
NamingServiceHost string |
-namingservicehost string |
Use this property to specify the Naming Service host. The default is localhost. |
NamingServiceIORFile string |
-namingserviceiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the Naming Service IOR file. The default is "". |
NamingServicePort integer |
-namingserviceport integer |
Use this property to specify the Naming Service port number. The default is 0. |
Notification Categories string |
-notificationcategories string |
Use this property to specify the notification categories to which the probe subscribes. To specify multiple categories, separate them using semicolons, in the following format:
For example:
The default is " " (the probe subscribes to all available notification categories). |
NotificationFilter string |
-notificationfilter string |
Use this property to specify the filter that the notification IRP uses to limit the notifications sent to the probe. The default is " ". |
NotificationIRPIOR File string |
-notificationirpiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the notification IRP IOR file. The default is " ". |
NotificationIRPName string |
-notificationirpname string |
Use this property to specify the name used to resolve the Notification IRP. The default is NotificationIRP. |
ORBCharEncoding string |
-orbcharencoding string |
Use this property to specify the native character encoding set used by the Object Request Broker (ORB) for character data. Specify a value of UTF8 for this property to enable the probe to receive events in languages that use multibyte characters, such as Chinese or Japanese. The default is ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1). |
ORBDebug string |
-noorbdebug (This is equivalent to ORBDebug with a value of false.) -orbdebug (This is equivalent to ORBDebug with a value of true.) |
Use this property to specify whether the probe writes ORB debug messages. This property takes the following values: false: The probe does not write ORB debug messages to a log file. true: The probe writes ORB debug messages to the log file specified by the ORBDebugFile property. The default is false. |
ORBDebugFile string |
-orbdebugfile string |
Use this property to specify the file location that the probe writes ORB debug messages. The default is "". |
ORBLocalHost string |
-orblocalport string |
Use this property to specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the probe's host machine. The default is " ". |
ORBLocalPort integer |
-orblocalport integer |
Use this property to specify the local port to which the Object Request Broker (ORB) listens. The default is 0 (the ORB selects an available port at random). |
ORBWCharDefault string |
-orbwchardefault string |
Use this property to specify what wide character (wchar) set the IBM® ORB uses when communicating with other ORBs that do not publish a wchar set. The default is UTF16. |
Password string |
-password string |
Use this property to specify the password required to log in to the Huawei U2000 3GPP system. The default is " ". Note: If an encrypted password
has been configured in the Huawei U2000 3GPP EMS
for the RAN Sharing feature, you will have to obtain the encrypted
password string from the EMS vendor, Huawei Technologies.
PersistentUnsubscribe string |
-nopersistentunsubscribe (This is equivalent to PersistentUnsubscribe with a value of false.) -persistentunsubscribe (This is equivalent to PersistentUnsubscribe with a value of true.) |
Use this property to enable persistent unsubscribe. false: Disables persistent unsubscribe. Probe will only unsubscribe the current notification session when shut down. true: Enables persistent unsubscribe. Probe will unsubscribe old notification session when attempting to start a new session. The default is false. |
ResyncBatchSize integer |
-resyncbatchsize integer |
Use this property to specify the maximum number of alarms contained in each batch that the probe receives during a resynchronization operation. The minimum value for this property is 1. The default is 100. |
ResyncFilter string |
-resyncfilter string |
Use this property to specify the filter that the Alarm IRP uses to limit the alarms sent to the probe. The default is "". For more information about filtering alarms, see Filtering notifications and alarms. |
SecondaryAlarmIRPIOR File string |
-secondaryalarmirpiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the secondary Alarm IRP IOR file for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryAlarmIRP Name string |
-secondaryalarmirpname string |
Use this property to specify the name that the probe uses to resolve the secondary AlarmIRP point for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryEntry PointIORFile string |
-secondaryepiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the location of the secondary Entry Point IRP IOR file for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryNaming ServiceHost string |
-secondarynshost string |
Use this property to specify the secondary Naming Service host for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryNaming ServiceIORFile string |
-secondarynsiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the secondary Naming Service IOR file for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryNaming ServicePort integer |
-secondarynsport integer |
Use this property to specify secondary naming service port for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is 0. |
SecondaryNotification IRPIORFile string |
-secondarynotifirpiorfile string |
Use this property to specify the secondary notification IRP IOR file for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecondaryNotification IRPName string |
-secondarynotifirpname string |
Use this property to specify the name used to resolve the secondary Notification IRP interface for rotate endpoint (EMS) if EnableFailover is enabled. The default is "". |
SecurityProtocol string |
-securityprotocol string |
Use this property to specify the security protocol. The default is TLSv1. |
TimeTick integer |
-timetick integer |
Use this property to specify the duration (in minutes) of the subscription to the target. The default is -1 (this ensures that the session remains open indefinitely). Note: A value of 15 releases unused subscriptions
and refreshes the subscription.
Username integer |
-username string |
Use this property to specify the username required to log in to the probe system. The default is "". |