Example property file settings for peer-to-peer failover

You set the peer-to-peer failover mode in the properties files of the master and slave probes. The settings differ for a master probe and slave probe.

Note: In the examples, make sure to use the full path for the property value. In other words replace $OMNIHOME with the full path. For example: /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool.

The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of a master probe:

Server      :	"NCOMS"		
RulesFile   :	"master_rules_file"
MessageLog  :	"master_log_file"
PeerHost    :	"slave_hostname"
PeerPort    :	5555 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
Mode        :	"master"
PidFile     : "master_pid_file"

The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of the corresponding slave probe:

Server      :	"NCOMS"		
RulesFile   :	"slave_rules_file"
MessageLog  :	"slave_log_file"
PeerHost    :	"master_hostname"
PeerPort    :	5555 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
Mode        :	"slave"
PidFile     : "slave_pid_file"