Probe commands
The following sections define the structure of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-formatted commands that you can send to the probe. There is an example of each command.
All the examples use a probe URI of http://localhost and
a HTTP listening port of 8080
Use the help command to receive help information about the HTTP/HTTPS command interface.
The format
of the -data
option for the help command
-data '{"command":"help","params":[]}'
The following command returns help information:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"help", "params":[]}'
Use the name command to display the name of the probe.
The format of the -data option for the name command is:
-data '{"command":"name","params":[]}'
The following command displays the name of the probe:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"name","params":[]}'
Use the registerNotification command to register the advanced JMS filter XML file specified by the AdvancedFilterConfigFile property.
The format of the -data option for the registerNotification command is:
-data '{"command":"registerNotification","params":[]}'
The following command registers the advanced JMS filter XML file specified by the AdvancedFilterConfigFile property.:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"registerNotification","params":[]}'
Use the registerNotificationFile command to register an alternative JMS filter XML file.
The format of the -data option for the registerNotificationFile command is:
-data '{"command":"registerNotificationFile", "params":[{"XML_config_file_path":"alternative_jms_filter"}]}'
Where alternative_jms_filter
is the path to the alternative JMS filter XML file that you want to
The following command registers the file /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/var/registerNotifcaton.txt as the alternative JMS filter XML file:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"registerNotificationFile", "params":[{"XML_config_file_path":"/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/var/registerNotifcaton.txt"}]}'
Use the resync command to perform a resynchronization using the parameters specified by the following properties in the properties file:
- XMLretreiveUseInService
- NfmpServerUserName
- NfmpServerPassword
The format of the -data
option for the resync command
-data '{"command":"resync","params":[]}'
The following command performs a resynchronization:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"resync","params":[]}'
Use the shutdownprobe command to shut down the probe.
The format of the -data
for the shutdownprobe command is:
The following command shuts down the probe:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"shutdownprobe", "params":[]}'
Use the version command to print the version of the probe.
The format of the -data
for the version command is:
The following command returns version information:
-uri http://localhost:8080/probes/nokia_nfmp -datatype application/JSON
-method POST -data '{"command":"version", "params":[]}'