Jar files for OAD Version 9.7
As a part of the configuration process, you must copy various jar files to the
folder in your Netcool/OMNIbus installation and include their path in your
$CLASSPATH environment variable.
The following JBoss libraries (available from the oad-oss-client-1.0_9.7.0-xxxxxx/lib folder of the 5529 OAD sample client) are required by the probe when running against OAD version 9.7:
- axs-encription-app-9.7.0-xxxxxx.jar
- axs-encrypt-utils-9.7.0-xxxxxx.jar
- axs-mobject-api-9.7.0-xxxxxx.jar
- axs-mobject-remote-api-9.7.0-xxxxxx.jar
- commons-io-2.5.jar
- jboss-logging-3.3.1.Final.jar
- log4j-api-2.11.0.jar
- log4j-core-2.11.0.jar
- nco_p_alcatel_5529_oad_v6.jar
- picketbox-5.0.2.Final.jar
- picketbox-infinispan-5.0.2.Final.jar
- slf4j-simple-1.7.21.jar
- wildfly-client-all.jar
- xbean-2.6.0.jar
The jar files form a part of the server installation and must be copied to the following location:
On Windows operating systems, the jar files must be copied to the following location:
You must also include this path in the $CLASSPATH environment variable.
Note: The OAD requires JRE 1.8.
is the final build number for the OAD.