Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values by using the properties file or the command line options.

The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For information about default properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide, (SC14-7530).

Table 1. Properties and command line options

Property name

Command line option


ChatinString string

-chatinstring string

Use this property to specify the chat in script for connection to the host system.

The default is .*ogin: user .*assword: password .* 'tail -f /eci.dat'.

ChatoutString string

-chatoutstring string

Use this property to specify the chat out script for disconnection from the host system.

The default is exit .*

ConnectionProtocol string

-protocol string

Use this property to specify the protocol that the probe uses to connect to the device. Possible values are:

  • remsh
  • rsh
  • tmctelnet
  • telnet
  • tip

The default is telnet.

PortNumber integer

-portnumber integer

Use this property to specify the port to which the probe connects.

The default is "".

TargetSystem string

-targetsystem string

Use this property to specify the name of the host to which the probe connects.

The default is localhost.