Error messages

Error messages provide information about problems that occur while running the probe. You can use the information that they contain to resolve such problems.

The following table describes the error messages specific to this probe. For information about generic Netcool/OMNIbus error messages, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.
Table 1. Error messages




Endpoint subscription failure: SubscribeToEndpoint ExceptionsByGroup failure

NSHeadException on subscribe - Endpoint subscription failure

Unable to get events Caused by: Probe failed to subscribe for notifications. Caused by: Endpoint subscription failure

The probe cannot connect to the server and collect alarms.

Check that the server is running.

Check that the SubscriptionEndpoint property is correctly specified.

NSHeadException on shutdown - Probe disconnect failure

The probe did not disconnect cleanly when shutting down.

Check that the Subscription Endpoint is running on the specified host and port and that the Subscription Endpoint is correct.

sendMessage failure ConnectException: Connection refused

The probe cannot send messages between the target server and the probe host server.

Check that the following properties are correctly specified:
  • HttpHost
  • HttpPort